Page 43 - healing project(1)_Neat
P. 43

Interview with Ed Strachar

             Article I

             People often wonder how these Miraculous Healings you see on my Facebook wall are
             accomplished. I will explain here for all to understand and benefit from.

             Before anything else, understand that your body already has the intelligence to heal itself. As
             well, if it is "ill, it is probably out of "alignment" energetically with the universal energy field.

             If a healer has the power, and very few do, to realign this for you, and remove the evil or
             other blocking elements that prevent it, healing can occur very fast.

             Now some details: First, All my healings are done across world from my place, wherever I
             happen to be, usually Florida, thru the net or occasionally by phone/skype.

             The Healing Energy I use has been tested using sophisticated energy measuring instruments

             across to Asia as you can see on my page by an Energy Healing Master I have never met
             named Mr. Damien Dupuy.

             I met him a few days before the experiment through a mutual contact. He proved that I can

             energize water and people at any distance on earth and it’s distinctly measurable by a
             credible procedure/instrument.

             Energy/Power is 1/2 the equation always for healing. You see Energy knows no boundaries.
             You can bound water, air or other elements but it is not possible on earth to bound energy.

             There are millions of energy healers around, fewer spiritual healers. Regardless, just like
             driving a car, the methods are similar, the ones that win races have a more powerful car. The
             same with healing, it’s all about power.
             On a Self-Created Spiritual Power Scale (there is no precursor), of Zero to 1Million where

             Jesus in his time is 1Mil. This is not the upper limit but a calibration point.
             The average healer's power is 70-100K, really great healers are typically between 200K-300K.
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