Page 18 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 18
Anxiety and Depression Healing
Robin Linke, A Healer Shares How
She Was Healed by Another Healer
Named Ed Strachar
Robin Badler is a Profound Women’s Leader
and voice for progress. She is also a healer,
psychic and spiritual counselor with a large
worldwide following. Soul Healer,
Ed Strachar is known as a Healer’s healer
with his Powerful Energy and Healing
Processes known as Healing Genius®.
When Robin Badler needed help,
she turned to Ed Strachar for help.
Physical Healing Meditation With
Ed Strachar Of Healing Genius
I had a pain in my ankle that would
be bothering me for a while, been
years. I felt this pain has gone
away completely after the 5th
session we had, which I had to go
through replay because ah for
reasons I worked on Wednesdays
and I have to be getting ready for
work but honestly I felt great. Ah,
the energy went throughout my
whole body.