Page 8 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 8

Will The

     That's a great question.
     There are many facets to this answer.                       Healing Last?
     There is not one size that fits all.

                                                                                The energy leaks are not with
                                                                                the healer, they are with the
                                                                                person so, it is the person that
                                                                                needs to manage their own

                                                                                Only the person can do this.
                                                                                No one can do it for them.

                                                                                Some people expect a Magician
                                                                                to walk in, say "SHAZAM !" and
                                                                                all is healed and they can
                                                                                continue with their negative
     So, Let Me Address This Using                                              habits yet all will be ok.

     The Basic Fundamentals That We Have Already Learned
     Remember the balloon               soon that balloon is going to
     analogy, so just imagine that      go flat.                                Even worse, religious types often
     we have a weak balloon low                                                 think Jesus or God will do this for
     on air with many leaks.            Right? so we have to repair             them and they are waiting for
                                        the energy leaks.                       Jesus to return.
     If we just fill the balloon with
     air, it'll temporarily look big    Now, the energy leaks are not           NO AGAIN !!
     and bright again but if it still   on the air pump, they are on
     has the leaks,                     the balloon.                            This is essential to understand.
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