Page 17 - healing project(1)_Neat
P. 17

In My Own Experience

      Demons                         These are demons and            Needless to say, it can
     Demons like entities are        they are more powerful,         cause a great energy
     invisible, they are more        they're more difficult to       perturbation and energy
     powerful as they come           see most cannot see or          leak with their victim
     from a higher dimension,        sense them and they             and at a higher level is
     a higher frequency.             require a lot more power        what we'll call sorcery,
                                     to remove them.                 which is where curses
     They can do more                                                are put on and this is
     damage they not only will        Witchcraft, hexes, spells,     from a more powerful
     drain your energy but they       black magic and so forth       sorcerer.
     can put a lot of negative       These can be very
     ideas in a person's energy      debilitating, if a powerful     Again, in the category
     field which effectively goes    witch or coven of witches       of black magic and
     into a person's head and        creates a spell and puts a      witchcraft but at a
     often these ideas are self-     spell or a hex on               higher and deeper level,
     destruction in one way          somebody.                       from a higher dimension
     or another.                                                     these are often the
                                     It effectively creates a        toughest to see and
     Everything from drugs           negative energy field           the toughest to remove.
     and alcohol, suicide,           around that person and
     hurting others, hurting         that can repel what the         These are on the soul,
     self, self-destruct, the        person wants and attract        so even if a person dies,
     self-destruction, could         what it doesn't want. The       they come back in the
     even be video game              specifics of that depend on     next lifetime. They can
     habits, cigarettes or other     how the spell was put on        still have these curses
     negative type things.           and the intention behind it.    on from a past life.

    In My Own Experience

     Well I was a prosperous         title things here and there      I even googled how to
     author until about 43,          everything got lost. So, I       tie a noose. Well long
     44 years old and all of a       wrestled and wrestled and        story short, the man
     sudden everything               wrestled and it brought me       who quote-unquote
     started going wrong.            to the point of suicide,         rescued me, his name is
                                     I was right there I had lost     Raymond Grace, he's a
     I remember at the time,         everything and now I was         great healer.
     I was living in Thailand        deeply in debt and I kept
     and I took a vacation           getting visions of a noose.      I remember I talked to
     holiday trip to Indonesia,      My car had been... my car        Raymond on the phone
     At Bali and a few cities        had been repossessed.            briefly he said he'll see
     within Indonesia itself                                          what he can do when
     and I came back and             I had about $20 left in my       I told him my problems
     everything started going        pocket, I could walk to a        he did one-oh listen to
     wrong and five years later,     hardware store not that far      any stories and the next
     I was broke, pouring            away and buy a rope and          day I felt great! I felt
     money and just couldn't…        that's exactly what I was        incredible!
     everything was lost.            thinking.
     All gradually all
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