Page 82 - IA Shop Hop 2021
P. 82
From Cotton Shot, Green:
Cut [2] — 1-1/4” 3 3-1/2” (F) Townhouse Cut [2] — 1” 3 3-1/2” (G) Townhouse Cut [2] — 1” 3 2-1/4” (H) Townhouse Cut [1] — 1-3/4” 3 2-1/2” (I) Townhouse Cut [2] — 1” 3 1-1/2” (J) Townhouse
Cut [2] — 1-1/4” 3 1-1/2” (K) Townhouse
Cut [1] — 2” 3 3-1/2” (Q) Bungalow Door (different green fabric or any other color for the door)
From AISH Swirl, Red:
Cut [1] — 2-1/2” 3 4-1/2” (L) Townhouse Roof Cut [1] — 1-1/4” 3 2”-1/2” (R) Bungalow Chimney
From AISH Swirl, Charcoal:
Cut [1] — 2” 3 3-1/2” (M) Townhouse Door Cut [1] — 2-1/2” 3 4-1/2” (P) Bungalow Roof
From AISH Swirl, Aqua:
Cut [2] — 1-3/4” 3 3-1/2” (N) Bungalow Cut [1] — 1-1/2” 3 4-1/2” (O) Bungalow
1. Create the bungalow. Sew Q rectangle between the [2] N rectangles. Press the seams. Sew O rectangle to the top of this unit. Press seam.
2. Create the chimney for the bungalow. Sew
R between D and E of background to form
a 2-1/2” square. Press the seams. Mark the diagonal on wrong side of this unit. See diagram for orientation of unit and drawn line.
3. Mark the diagonal on reverse of [1] B square. Layer the B square on the left side of the P rectangle with right sides together. Sew along the drawn line. Press the B square into the upper left corner. Trim away the two lower layers leaving a 1/4” seam allowance. Repeat this on the right end of the P rectangle using the chimney unit made in Step 2.
4. Sew the roof unit from Step 3 to the top of the bungalow from Step 1. Press the seam.
5. Sew an A rectangle to the top of the Step 4 unit. Press the seam. The bungalow section of the block is complete. Set aside while you construct the townhouse.
6. Create the upstairs windows for the townhouse. Sew a J rectangle to the top of
a C rectangle. Press the seam. Make 2. Sew
a K rectangle to the bottom of the same C rectangle. Press the seam. Make 2. Sew a F rectangle to the left of each window unit.
Press the seams. Sew the pair together. Sew 1 G rectangle to the right side of the pair. Press the seams. The upstairs windows are complete.
7. Create the townhouse first floor. Sew the last C rectangle between 2 H rectangles. Press the seams. Sew I rectangle to the bottom of this unit. Press the seam. Sew the last G rectangle to the left of the townhouse door M rectangle. Press the seam. Sew the door unit to the left of the first floor window unit. Press the seam. First floor is complete.
8. Sew the Step 6 unit to the top of the Step 7 unit. Press the seam.