Page 85 - IA Shop Hop 2021
P. 85

 9. Create the townhouse roof. Mark the diagonal on the wrong side of the 2 remaining B squares. Layer one B square on the left side of the L rectangle with right sides together. Sew along the drawn line. Press the B square into the upper left corner to form a corner triangle. Trim away the two bottom layers leaving a 1/4” seam allowance. Repeat with the second B rectangle on the right end of the L rectangle. Townhouse roof is complete.
10. Sew the townhouse roof on to the top of the Step 8 unit to complete the townhouse half of the block. Press the seam.
11. Sew the bungalow and townhouse halves to- gether to complete the block. Press the seam.
NOTE: You can put the townhouse on the left or right side of the block. Both halves are the same size and can be alternated if making multiple blocks. Townhouse and bungalow block is complete and measures 8-1/2” square.
Pattern by Laura Strickland. For her complete bio, please see page 23.

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