Page 91 - IA Shop Hop 2021
P. 91

From Soft and Stable:
Cut [2] 230 3 31-1/20 sections
Cut [2] 2-1/20 3 720 strips (will need to be pieced
to create needed length)
See illustration below for cutting guidelines.
SOUTH EAST REGION ALL IOWA SHOP HOP 91 3. Measure up 2-1/40 from bottom of Soft and
Stable and draw a line the entire width.
4. Position bottom of star block pocket along this line with lining next to panel. Pin in place and stitch 1/40 seam allowance (next to fine red line).
5. Repeatfortheothersideofbag.
Constructing Handles
1. Use basting spray to adhere wrong side of the 2-1/20 aqua tone on tone strip to the 2-1/20 strip of Soft and Stable.
2. FoldstripinhalflengthwisewithSoftandStable inside.
3. Withtheblindhemstitch(stitchlength set at 2.5 and stitch width at 4.5) and using your blind hem foot for your sewing machine, position raw edges next to blade of foot. Sew edge of handle the entire length. This stitch
will sew several straight stitches off
the fabric and intermittent zig zag on
the edges of fabric. This may not look – pretty but that’s okay as it will be later – covered with the accent strip. –
4. Once you have sewn the entire length, – refold so the seam is positioned in the – center of the handle. Repeat for both – handles.
5. Press handles flat.
6. Sew 2 Iowa strips ends together from the Main Street stripe. Repeat with other 2 strips — one set for each handle.
7. PressthelengthwiseedgesofIowastriptothe reverse side so the finished strip measures 5/80 wide.
8. Position this Iowa strip over the center of the handle covering the row of blind hem stitching. Use your edge stitch foot to stitch along each side of the Iowa strip. Repeat for other handle. Trim the 2 handles so they are the same length.
9. Steam press handles to eliminate any curve developed during construction.
Attaching Handles
1. Position the end of each handle at the bottom
of the pocket unit, between star block 1 & 2 and between star block 3 & 4. Edge stitch both sides of the handles ending about 4-1/20 from top of bag. Be sure the handles are not twisted before sewing. If desired, stitch a line between star block 2 & 3 to form two pockets. Repeat for other side of bag. See Figure 1 on next page.
   58􏰁 􏰀 2-1/2􏰁 for handle
       23􏰁 􏰀 31-1/2􏰁
23􏰁 􏰀 31-1/2􏰁
    From Shape Flex interfacing:
Cut [4] — 9-1/20 3 31-1/20 sections
Constructing Pockets
1. Fuse 9-1/20 3 31-1/20 Shape-flex to wrong side of each star block unit.
2. Rightsidestogether,sewaquatone-on-tone 9-1/20 3 31-1/20 sections to star block units with 1/40 seam allowance along the side with the wide blue border.
3. When you press seam toward backing, you should have a fine red stripe along the top edge of each unit.
4. Edge stitch and then press wrong sides together.
5. Top stitch next to the fine red line located below the border strip next to blocks.
6. Trim bottom of each unit leaving 3/80 seam allowance from fine red line. Set these units aside. These sections will now be referred to as pockets.
Quilting Bag Sections
1. Layer Winter Land 31-1/20 3 210 sections along the TOP of the 31-1/20 3 230 Soft and Stable. The Soft and Stable will be longer than the Winter Land panel allowing for the bag bottom to be attached later. Use basting spray or pins to secure your layers.
2. Quilteachsectionwithyourpreferredmethod. Sample used a twin needle and line stitched
30 apart in diamond formation.
32-1/2􏰁 􏰀 2-1/2􏰁 for handle 32-1/2􏰁 􏰀 2-1/2􏰁 for handle 32-1/2􏰁 􏰀 2-1/2􏰁 for handle 32-1/2􏰁 􏰀 2-1/2􏰁 for handle

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