Page 92 - IA Shop Hop 2021
P. 92
Figure 1
3. Sewlinesbetweeneachstarblocktoform pockets. Repeat for other side of lining.
Constructing Bag and Lining
1. Match bag sections right sides together and pin along the bottom edge. Sew with 1/20 seam allowance. Trim Soft and Stable from seam allowance. Press this seam open.
2. Nowpinthebagsidestogether.Besurepockets line up in the seam. Sew with 1/20 seam allow- ance. Trim Soft and Stable from seam allowance. Press side seams open.
3. Boxthecornersofthebagbyaligningsideseam with bottom seam forming a triangle. Mark a
40 long line across the triangle (20 in from point) and sew.
4. Repeat these same steps for the bag lining: bot- tom seam first, side seams, then box the corners.
Attaching Lining to Bag
1. Turn outside bag wrong side out and match
the triangle corners with the triangles of the bag lining. Sew these triangles together along the
40 seam already sewn.
2. Fasteningtheliningtothebaghelpskeepthe lining secure inside the bag. Return bag to right side out with lining tucked inside.
Adding Support and Feet to Bag Bottom
1. To give the bag bottom support, insert a 40 3 250 piece of plastic canvas. You will need to overlap and sew 2 pieces together. To secure plastic canvas in place, use bag feet.
2. Onbottomofbag,mark6dots–1-1/20inand10 from edge for each corner and 2 dots centered lengthwise 10 from edge.
3. Usinganawl,pokeaholeinthebottomofbag into the plastic canvas. Remove awl carefully and fill the hole with the feet brads going through the bottom into the plastic canvas. Open prongs once you have secured plastic canvas to bag. Repeat for remaining feet.
(continued on page 95)
Figure 3
Bottom of Bag
1. Pin aqua tone on tone unit (2-3/40 3 31-1/20) wrong side up on TOP of pocket with edge even with bottom of pocket unit. Stitch 1/40 seam allowance.
2. Presstoneontoneunitdowntocoverthe remaining Soft and Stable. You should see a fine red line along the bottom of the pocket. Baste along the pocket sides and bottom to secure edges.
Figure 2
Attaching Pocket Units to Lining
1. Mark a line 2-3/40 from bottom edge. Lay bottom of pocket unit star block side down along this line with the top of the pocket unit toward the bottom of the lining. Pin in position.
2. Sew with 3/40 seam allowance. Press pocket
up towards top of lining and top stitch along the bottom of pocket using 3/80 seam allowance to enclose raw edges.