Page 46 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 46
ESSAY #12:
Smart Work versus Hard Work
A ‘hard worker’ is someone who is diligent, laborious and puts in a lot of ef-
fort and long hours into doing and completing tasks.
A ‘smart worker’ is someone who works intelligently and efficiently and
achieves results with minimum effort.
This is a topic of considerable interest. Fortunately, most of my students re-
alise that smart work is much better than hard work. Hard work has been glo-
rified by the theories of Communism. Parents and teachers promote the
goodness of hard work because they compare it with the choice students of-
ten take of opting for wasting their time and procrastination. These are dumb
choices and not smart choices! In this essay I have tried to clarify as to why
smart work is much better than just hard work. In fact, smart work is
the only way to progress!
Some Examples of Hard Work versus Smart Work
• A takes 10 hours to cut a tree with sincere effort. B takes one hour to
sharpen the axe and cuts a similar tree in 5 hours.
• A & B are athletes of equal standard. A practices for a 5 km run compe-
tition 14 hours per week for 4 weeks, i.e. 56 hours. B practices for 4
hours per week for 4 weeks, i.e. 16 hours. B beats A comfortably!