Page 69 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 69


            Be relaxed & confident of being selected. Write only truth in the PIQ form,

            without exaggeration. Listen carefully to the questions, without getting ex-

            cited. Answer the questions in the sequence asked. Have good knowledge

            about your favourite subjects, sports, hobbies, etc. If you say that you have

            read a book, or seen a movie, or TV program, then you should know about it

            well.Be  prepared  to  explain  organisation  of  an  event  from  your  hobbies,

            sports or extra -curricular activities, you have been involved in.

            DAY 6 (SSB CONFERENCE)

            In the conference, each candidate faces all the SSB assessors together. The

            decision about selection of candidates is taken in the conference by the as-

            sessors.  Each case is discussed in detail to take a deliberate decision. Usual-

            ly, questions about food, experience & stay are asked by the Interviewing Of-

            ficer are just for formality. For these, only short answers are warranted.

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