P. 74
General Medical and Surgical Standards
(a) Any lump in the breast will be a cause for rejection. Cases of
Fibroadenoma breast after successful surgical removal may be considered fit
with the opinion of a surgical specialist.
(b) Galactorrhoea will be cause for temporary unfitness. Fitness after
investigation/treatment may be considered based on merits of the case and
opinion of the concerned specialist.
Gynaecological Disorders
(a) Any abnormality of external genitalia will be considered on merits of each
case. Significant Hirsutism especially with male pattern of hair growth will be
a cause for rejection. Doubtful cases if any will be decided based on the
opinion of the specialists.
(b) A detailed pelvic sonography will be conducted. If any abnormality is
detected, the candidate will be examined by the concerned specialist.
Following conditions will not be a cause for rejection:-
(i) Small fibroid uterus (3 cm or less in diameter) without symptoms.
(ii) Small ovarian cyst (3 cm or less in diameter) as such cysts are invariably
(iii) Congenital elongation of cervix (which comes up to introitus).
(iv) Congenital uterine anomalies such as bicornuate uterus, uterus
didelphys and arcuate uterus.
(c) Acute or chronic pelvic infection and Endometriosis will be causes for
(d) Severe menorrhagia will entail rejection, since it is likely to interfere with
work ability. Amenorrhoea without pregnancy will be investigated and fitness
will be considered on merits after examination and investigation by
(e) Complete prolapse of uterus will be a cause for rejection. Minor degree,
after surgical correction, may be considered for fitness on merits.
(f) Any other gynaecological condition not covered above will be considered
on merits of each case by gynaecologist.
(g) Pregnancy will be a cause for rejection during commissioning for all
branches other than medical and dental, where temporary unfitness will be
given till 24 weeks after delivery.