Page 162 - Failure to Triumph - Journey of A Student
P. 162
My Target Service Selection Board (SSB)
Guys, there is no greater time to act rightly than the present. When our vision is true and our goal is
divine, we need not hesitate at all in tumbling ourselves into action. It is unnecessary to brood over
our in capacities and inefficiencies. Bring the best that is in each and start the job at hand. The bright
beginning made each day can become the early dawn of the day of achievement.
Guys, today belongs to us. Yesterday was; tomorrow will be; but today is with us. Every day is
bursting with opportunities for us to do, to serve and to act. We must make use of these lush
chances and diligently make our life rich, fruitful and useful for others at all times. Do those things
necessary to bring forth your personal best and don’t lose sleep worrying about the competition but
let the competition lose sleep worrying about you.
Why there is No Shortcut to Success at
In the fast moving life it has become the tendency of human to take short cut in life and achieve
success. If we exclude the adult population of our country and see the youth which forms the major
chunk of our young India, they are mostly influenced by this culture to gain success with shortcuts in
life. Some might achieve but believe me if the fundamentals are not strong, such success is not
stagnant for a long time. Success achieved with strong fundamentals and hard work is always
valued and lives long. We might be proud of young India but personally I am worries with this habit of
youngsters. I am more worried with people who want to dedicate themselves for serving our
motherland by joining defence forces and are habitual to such things.
Has any big personality is ever found saying that I achieved the position by shortcuts or in a small
town. There are few who are born with the silver spoon in their mouth. But remember you and I don’t
belong to that category. Why? Simple you are reading this article because you want to dedicate
yourself to motherland and I have written to it because this is something close to my heart and I have
done a lot of research in this area.
I want to propose the youth involved in preparing to dedicate their lives for motherland that at least
the factor of LUCK does not work for SSB. You have to prove your qualities to get recommendation
here and that’s it. Remember “SSB is a battle and you have to fight here bravely ~~ Jayendra Pratap
Singh” I coined this based on the experience with my mentees whom I mentor personally , studying
their personality , OLQ’s and events of life that might have affected their life at many stages and
believe me this introspection only helps in personality improvement. Once personality is improved
nothing can stop you from getting to win the battle. But what we do:
We want short cut to success and start following the myths related to SSB which effects our
understanding of things.
We start thinking TAT/PPDT as story writing completion and write same stories provided in
books which has a not match to our personality. Remember that if one story is good for a
particular personality it might not be good for other if it has no match with your personality so
you have to write accordingly.
Taking assistance is not bad but in large chunks might not cause benefit because SSB is
something where you have to gauge your personality and I believe each and every individual
is different and needs different attention and treatment as per their persona. So try
assistance with an expert who can give you full time for yourself to understand what you are,
where you stand and where you could be taken.
You all will be surprised to know that everyone has all the qualities but the events and incidents in
life’s changes the degree in which they are present, and hence you have to understand that only and
work on it, success will surely be yours.