Page 157 - Graphic1
P. 157
148 | SSB
● If no idea or thought comes to your mind within the stipulated time, leave the corresponding space
blank and proceed further. Make sure that you record your responses in appropriate space only.
Having received your call letter, the Ist appearance in the SSB will be the day of your reporting.
The second day you will appear in your screening test. Disqualifying screening will amount to your
bouncing from the SSB. Having qualified the first round you will be distributed another chest No. and
On next morning you will appear in the battery of your psychological test, among that first will be TAT.
Second WAT, the third SRT and the fourth will be your Self Description Test. Let me display the
psychological bifurcation.
Listen the Instructions—Grasp is directly related to your intelligence. Intelligence further spells
your trainability level. Finally trainability means :—Your I.Q. ‘Intelligence Quotient’ + Period of time.
Lastly for recommendation your trainability decides your predictive value. The name of the system is
Services Selection Board where SSB only recommends does not select. Always and ever recommen-
dation has been in existence and had been and being made and will be made only on the basis of the
predictive value. There are three kinds of value :—
Past Value Present Value
Should not be Should be
objectionable acceptable
Predictive Value
When ‘past value’ is not found objectionable
Then the predictive
and the ‘present value’ is acceptable
value will exit
Before the commencement of every test the scientist/psychologist or the technical officer
whosoever will preside or conduct the test, will deliver the instruction. The requirement of the
instructions are :—
2 3 4
1 Listen the instruction
very carefully, sincerely Your performance in the
and adequately leading situational tests will
The second requirement reveal whether have you
is to follow the instruction grasped it 100% and at the
100% and execute it 100% in same time executed 100% ?
the manner as it is demanded.
Not minor but if major
or regular gap is created
then all the three techniques
will put a ‘?’
Grasp is directly proportionate and attributed to the level of your intelligence. Intelligence is instrumental
to perform all the tests at the optimum level. Your P.I.Q. (Personal Information Questionnaire) spells your
expectation to perform at the optimum level. When you did not reach to your expectation then there is strict
WAT is the test of your grasp, effective intelligence, quick reaction, it also measures your level of
thought processes. Being the sub-conscious test and the test of your imagination, it also examines the
span and depth of Ideas. For the example take the instance of a newspaper.
From the first to the last page it covers all the news right from the political to film, sports,
personalities, inventions, books written, policies, agreement, discoveries, climate, relations and