Page 195 - Graphic1
P. 195

186   |   SSB

                      Interpretation—This young chap seems to be strong person, either he is a sportsman, or NCC
                   Cadet or having gained strength and confidence by achieving good in outdoor activities. Now he is a
                   saviour and reacted immediately and has challenged the task while risking himself.
                                                Situations are of Three Kinds
                                          1                2                  3

                    Creates semisense of   Routine      of Routine          Situations   Creates sense of
                    urgency and routine   situations are   and beyond     beyond routine.   urgency.
                    problem.             60.             routine          They are 11 + 1
                                                         situations         Blank = 12

                                 These are SRT s, like   Creates problem and   These situations are
                                 cycle gets punctured,   sense of urgency but   given mostly in TAT.
                                 a man hit by cycle,   depends   upon   Like   accident,
                                 tonga hits by car, you   personality variation   drowning, terrorsim,
                                                    and socio-economic
                                 become late in exam,   back ground of the   molesting,   fire,
                                 you want to change   candidate.        explosion,  dowry
                                 the room because of                    death,   domestic
                                 your partner.                          violence, killing etc.

                                               These situations are given by the
                                               President, Deputy-president or the
                                               interviewing officer to find out and
                                               evaluate the actual resistence level of
                                               a candidate against the odds to
                                               evaluate him whether the particular
                                               candidate is able to manage, tackle,
                                               confront, solve and draw the solution
                                               from the crisis or not
                      Explanation—If you have not participated in sports, N.C.C. and out door activities or because of
                   the overburdened academics you have not explored and exposed yourself, please do not bother. System
                   is looking for a leader who has will to do.
                                             There are two things which matter
                                                 1                    2
                                                Will                 Skill
                      You should have will to do and skill to perform, if you lack a little bit than it can be developed by
                   the training. Now coming to the responses of a candidate who is of a shy nature or has not been able to
                   explore and expose himself due to overburdened academic and high competitive era. For this there are
                   three requirements of SRT.
                                                Three requirements of SRT
                                                  The requirement of the
                                            system to solve these routine situations
                                             are :

                                    What you feel      Think      and   Act in these kind
                                                                          of situations
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