Page 64 - Graphic1
P. 64
Psychology of the Crisis
Management & TAT
Lesson 1
Crisis Management & Composition of Armed Forces
Vibhishana was disconcerted when he saw Ravana mounted on a chariot and the Hero of Raghu’s
line (Ram) without any. His great fondness for the Lord filled his mind with diffidence; and bowing to
His feet he spoke with a tender heart : “My lord, You have neither chariot nor any protection either for
your body in (the shape of armour) or for your feet (in the shape of shoes). How, then, can you expect
to conquer this mighty hero ?” “Listen friend :” replied the all merciful, “that leads one to victory is
quite another. Valour and fortitude are of that chariot, while truthfulness and good conduct are its
enduring banner and standard. Even so strength, discretion, self-control and benevolence are its four
horses that have been joined to the chariot with the cords of forgiveness, compassion and evenness of
mind. Adoration of God is the expert driver; dispassion, the shield and contentment, the sword, again
charity is the axe; reason, the fierce lance and the highest wisdom, the relentless bow. A pure and steady
mind is like a quiver; while quietude and the various forms of abstinence (Yamas) and religious
observances (Niyamas) are a sheaf of arrows. Homage to the Brahmans and to one’s own preceptor is
an impenetrable coat of mail; there is no other equipment for victory as efficacious as this.
Listen O friend of resolute mind: The hero, who happens to be in possession of such a strong
chariot can conquer even that mighty and invincible foe, the existence in the world itself.
—Sri Ramcharitamanasa, Lanka Kand
I will exemplify with two examples—The first one will relate to the father of nation Sri Mohan
Das Karam Chand Gandhi who got India free without using any weapon. What he used was a Doctrine
that is principle of Non-violence. The second example will pertain to Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri who did
not use any weapon and conquered the emergent problem of striving, which our people were facing.
Another unimaginative achievement to defeat the Pak in 1965 with a Slogan of Jai Jawan and Jaikisan.
Before thinking of taking up a career in the Armed Forces, ask the following questions to yourself :—
● Do you understand the structure and role of the Armed Forces ?
● Do you know the role of an officer in the Armed Forces ?
● How is an officer in the Armed Forces different from his counterpart in civvies ? Civvies means civilian
clothing or a civilian or civil personnels.
● Do you know the qualities required to perform an officer’s role ? The interpretation of these qualities which
are 15 in number are called OLQs (Officer Like qualities). The inculcation, fertility, nurturing and finally
their enhancement at the optimum level rests on OLBs (Officer Like Behaviour) which constitutes
personality. And the SSB requires a right type of personality.
● How are these qualities acquired ? It is neither easy nor much difficult to acquire these qualities. On any
occasion or event of life, these can be acquired with dash application of three qualities :—