Page 39 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 39
Linear Arrangement 35
Directions (Qs. 14 – 20): Study the following 18. Who among the following has joining date in June?
information to answer the given questions. (a) F (b) E
Eight people, viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting (e) C
in a straight line facing North. Each of them has passed
a recruitment exam and must join the office in different 19. How many people sit between C and the person
months, viz January, February, March, April, May, June, whose joining date is in April?
July and August but not necessarily in the same order. (a) None (b) One
• G sits third to the right of the person who joins in May. (c) Two (d) Three
The person who joins in August sits second to the (e) Four
right of G. A and E are immediate neighbours of each
other. Neither A nor E has joining dates in either May 20. Who among the following are sitting at extreme ends
of the line?
or August. Neither A nor E is an immediate neighbour
of G. (a) A and the person whose joining date is in
• H sits third to the right of the person whose joining August
date is in January. Neither A nor E has joining dates (b) The person whose joining date is in May and E
in January. H’s joining date is not in August (c) C and G
• Only two people sit between E and the person whose (d) The persons whose joining dates are in March
joining date is in July. The person whose joining date and June
is in February sits on the immediate left of D. (e) None of these
• Only one person sits between E and B. C joins before Directions (Qs. 21 – 23): Read the following
July. E joins after April. G joins after A. information carefully and answer the questions
14. In which of the following months does H join the which follow. [RBI GRADE B OFFICER]
office? P, Q, R, S, T and V live on different floors of the same
(a) April (b) June building having six floors numbered one to six (the ground
(c) July (d) February floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and
(e) March so on, and the topmost floor is numbered 6). There are
two floors between on which Q and V live. Q lives on
15. Who among the following sits exactly between E and a floor below V’s floor. Neither P nor T lives on a floor
B? immediately above or immediately below the floor on
(a) The person whose joining date is in May which Q lives. P does not live on an odd-numbered floor.
(b) The person whose joining is in January There is only one floor between the floors on which S and
(c) D T live. T does not live on a floor immediately above or
(d) A immediately below the floor on which R lives.
(e) The person whose joining date is in August 21. On which of the following floors does V live?
16. ‘H’ is related to ‘July’ in a certain way based on the (a) 4 (b) 3 rd
above arrangement. ‘B’ is related to ‘June’ following (c) 6 (d) 5 th
the same pattern. ‘________’ is related to ‘May’ (e) Cannot be determined
following the same pattern. th
(a) F (b) G 22. Who among the following lives on e topmost floor,
ie floor number 6?
(c) A (d) D (a) T (b) S
(e) C
(c) R (d) P
17. Which of the following is true regarding D? (e) Either V or P
(a) Only two people sit to the left of D 23. How many floors are there between the floors on
(b) D is sitting second to the right of the person which R and T live?\
whose joining date is in July. (a) None (b) One
(c) E and B are immediate neighbours of D (c) Two (d) Three
(d) D’s joining date is in May. (e) Four
(e) None is true