P. 46

Chapter 6:

                                Sample Solutions in SRT

            Posing “challenge SRT” is a very fond practice among SSB aspirants. This is

            not a helpful exercise.I had been resisting requests for posting samples of

            psychology tests for long. Since aspirants keep seeking ideal answers I have

            written sample solutions to situations in SRT.Please note the following

            points/ clarifications:

               1. It is sensible to give comprehensive solutions.

               2. It is not sensible to give long solutions.

               3. Effort should be made to solve maximum number of situations.

               4. Proactive outlook and action is better than reactive.

               5. Reactions displaying confidence and practical sense should be pre-

                    ferred over meek responses.

               6. The solutions are given below adhere to the above guidelines. Take

                    them as guidelines and not ideal solutions.

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