Page 6 - Coster Copenhagen Catalogue Fall23
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COSTER CARES 6 CSR and sustainability have been a part of Coster Copenhagen’s DNA right from the start. 7
With the impending pressure of the climate crisis, we must act. That is why we have started
from scratch and mapped out all our groundwork. To guide us in the right direction, we have
chosen to work with four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are: 12
Responsible consumption and production, 13 Climate action, 15 Life on land & 17 Partnerships
for the goals. You can read more about how we work with them by scanning the QR Code below
We care for you and for our planet, and want to share our sustainable choices with you.
Below, you can find more information about the materials, we use in this collection.
Seawool is one of the newest methods when it Organic farming of cotton uses crop rotation and
comes to creating sustainable materials. The a biological method to control pests and patho-
name derives from its 99% comparability to gens, instead of using toxic chemicals and GMOs.
Coster Copenhagen
wool. Seawool possesses many of the same This helps reduce soil, air and water contamina-
qualities as well, as it too is heat-regulating, tion. Additionally, this helps the fertilization of
self-cleansing and is nice and soft without and the biodiversity in the soil, which is good for
being scratchy. Seawool is made from recycled both human and wildlife health and well-being
plastic bottles and surplus oyster shells – hence and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.
the reference to the sea in the name, Seawool.
EcoVero Lenzing viscose is produced by the Polyester tends to have a bad reputation due to
Austrian company Lenzing Group. EcoVero its manufacturing of plastic and high environ-
Lenzing viscose is a branded fibre with a certi- mental impact. However, the many benefits of
fied lower environmental impact. It is made from polyester also tend to be forgotten. It is a very
sustainable wood and paper pulp from certified durable fibre, which is both strong and resistant
and controlled sources. EcoVero Lenzing visco- and it can be reused many times if the process
se carries the EU Ecolabel as EcoVero Lenzing is done correctly. This makes the life cycle for
viscose generates up to 50% lower carbon emis- polyester garments much longer and helps
sions and water impact than generic viscose. lower the need for disposal of the products.
Acrylic is a material which has a wool-like feel. Cupro is a bi-product of cotton production and
Acrylic is very durable when cared for properly. helps lower the environmental impact of cotton pro-
Acrylic enables for a lightweight knit. Acrylic duction, as more of the cotton plant is being used
can be reused many times if processed corre- instead of discarded. However, the construction of
ctly. This allows for the life cycle for garments cupro requires the use of chemicals. These chemi-
containing acrylic to be much longer and helps cals are used in a closed circuit and do not harm
lower the need for disposal of the products. any ecosystems surrounding the production site.
Lyocell is similar to viscose, both in looks and
production. Lyocell consists of tree fibres dis-
solved in a closed circuit and does not harm sur-
rounding ecosystems. The dissolved tree fibres
are spun into yarn and then woven into fabric.
Magic Forest Fall 23