Page 7 - WMPF Federation AUG-SEPT 2019_Neat
P. 7

Federation agrees collective

          statement after national meeting

        The full statement issued by the Police   Wales’ police officer pension position.
        Federation of England and Wales was as      Our stance has always been that police
        follows:                           officers should have stayed in the pension
           Police Federation officials representing   schemes they signed up to, or better, and
        officers from across England and Wales   that remains our stance in any future
        – our National Board and National Council   discussions with Government over police
        – have met over the past two days to   officer pensions.
        discuss important issues affecting our      It was scandalous that the Government
        members, and top of that list has been   forced the changes it made to pensions
        pensions.                          back in 2012, but legally it had the power
           Much has been said to the Police   to do so. There are no negotiation rights
        Federation of England and Wales, and to   for police officers on pensions.
        local Federations across the country, since      Following the judges’/firefighters’
        the Supreme Court ruled there could be no   ruling, the Government has said it will
        appeal by the Government on the Judges’   release a statement on the issue before   for the ‘Pension Challenge’. This position
        and Firefighters’ pension discrimination   Parliament’s summer recess begins on 25   remains unchanged.
        ruling.                            July. We are talking to other public sector      Once the Government proposes a
           We are listening to you. We are   unions in advance of that announcement   remedy – which is likely to be a protracted
        listening to your representatives. And   and are, of course, listening to the views of   process and potentially affect all public
        following our discussions over the past   all police officers, including those who are   sector pensions - if it becomes necessary
        two days we – the PFEW and local Police   part of the ‘Pension Challenge’.  for us to mount a legal challenge on behalf
                                              We have previously made it clear we
        Federations - publish this joint statement     would not be paying the private legal fees   of all police officers in England and Wales
      “                                                                           pensions for police officers – who sacrifice
        on the Police Federation of England and
                                                                                then we stand ready to do so. It may be
                                                                                that no one has to submit claims.
                    It was scandalous that the Government
                                                                                   The importance of fair and just
                                                                                so much during their working careers to
                    forced the changes it made to pensions
                                                                                serve and protect the public – cannot be
                                                                                understated. There has been much
                    back in 2012, but legally it had power to
                                                                                we now need to move forward collectively;
                                                                                not just as a Police Federation but as proud
                    do so. There are no negotiation rights for                  discussion over what has gone before but
                                                                                police officers. A collective and non-
                                                                                fragmented voice has the ability to be very
                    police officers on pensions.                                powerful and to get the best terms and
                                                                                conditions it can for officers across the

        Government will apply

        ‘industrial remedy’

        On 15 July, the Government issued a written statement in respect of   what it means for our members, so while many will have further
        the ruling on the judges’ and firefighters’ pensions making it clear   questions about this, we are not in a position to answer those
        the Government would apply an industrial remedy to the   until such time as we have heard what the resolution may be and
        discrimination found by the Employment Appeal Tribunal. This   we expect those discussions to be protracted,” a Police Federation
        means the remedy will apply to every worker in the public sector   statement said.
        pension schemes, including police officers.              You can read the statement issued by the Treasury at
           “What we do not know is exactly what the remedy will be and                                       federation August/September 2019         07
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