Page 4 - Federation Magazine December 2017 / January 2018
P. 4

Secretary’s introduction

       The police

       service is under

       significant stress

                                               At the outset of the Government’s   the start of 2018. Supported by newly
                                            austerity measures, the Police Federation   elected deputy chair Che Donald, he must
                                            warned that cuts to policing budgets would   seize the nettle and do all he can to steer
                                            affect the service we were able to provide   the organisation through the difficult times
                                            to the public – and not in a good way.  ahead.
                                               Our arguments were dismissed, we      The new regulations which allow for
                                            were told by the then Home Secretary,   the change in our election processes,
                                            Theresa May, that we were scaremongering.   recommended in the independent review,
                                            But, over the last year, I think that has   are expected to finally pass through
                                            proved not to be the case and, in fact, many   Parliament and be signed into legislation at
                                            senior police officers have started to add   the end of December, heralding the start of
                                            their voices to our arguments. The latest   a new era.
                                            report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of      For that reason, I would urge anyone
                                            Constabulary, Fire & Rescue Services   who thinks they might have what it takes
                                            (HMICFRS) also added weight to what we   to be a Federation representative to find
                                            were saying. Inspectors concluded that,   out more about the elections which will be
                                            while most forces have risen impressively   held next year.
                                            to the challenges they face, policing      All members of the Federated ranks
                                            remains under “significant stress”.  – constables, sergeants, inspectors and
                                               I think that covers it extremely well.   chief inspectors – can put themselves
                                            Policing is under significant stress. Our   forward for election.
                                            officers are feeling the effects of that stress      Being a Federation representative is
                                            in terms of their mental, and physical   challenging but rewarding in equal
       By Steve	Grange, secretary of West Midlands   wellbeing. The public is feeling the effects   measure. Standing side by side with your
       Police Federation
                                            of that stress in a reduction in the quality   colleagues, helping them through the
                                            of the service we are able to provide with   difficulties they face at work – and
                                            fewer officers and increased demand. The   sometimes away from work – is not for the
             ny hope that there could be some   crime figures are steadily rising as we find   faint-hearted. But, the Police Federation
             good news for policing in the   it difficult to maintain effective   offers a training package that will help reps
       AChancellor’s autumn budget in       neighbourhood policing, the kind of   not just in their Federation role but also in
       November were soon dashed when the   policing we know helps prevent crime,   their general working life.
       police service didn’t even get a mention.  gather intelligence and tackle criminals.     Please take the time to read our article
          Despite all the trials and tribulations of      There is only so long we can prevent   on Page 11 and take a look at the reps@
       2017, with terrorist attacks, rising crime,   this level of stress resulting in a complete   work campaign materials at
       low police morale coupled, not surprisingly,   breakdown. Policing is facing a critical      Finally, I would like to take this
       with a growing number of officers    period.                              opportunity to wish you all a very merry
       reporting stress-related illnesses, it would      At such a pivotal time, the Police   Christmas and a happy new year; let’s hope
       seem the Government is not listening to   Federation has just named its new chair.   it’s a good one.
       what we are saying.                  Calum Macleod will take over the reins at

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