Page 23 - WMPF Here for you 2016
P. 23

July                                uly
West Midlands Police Constable
Paul Hopley attended a reception
at Downing Street followed by an
awards event at The Dorchester
as a nominee for the 21st Police
Bravery Awards. PC Hopley
was nominated after dealing
successfully with a man armed
with a three-foot long axe.
Augu                              August
                 J                West Midlands Police Federation wrote to the Chief
                                  Constable about WMP TS1 and resilience concerns,
                                                    Desuggesting the plan should be reviewed and delayed.
                                  September                               Septe
                                  The 13th National Police

                                  Memorial Day is held at

                                  St Paul’s Cathedral in

                                  London to honour police

                                  officers who have given

                                  their lives in line of duty.

                                  Interim chairman Tom

                                  Cuddeford and secretary

                                  Steve Grange attended on

tober                             behalf of West Midlands
                                  Police Federation. HRH
                                  Prince Charles and the

                                  Home Secretary also               November
                                                                    West Midlands Police
                                  attended.   Nove                  Federation said ‘enough
                                                                    is enough’ in press

                                                                mberrelease calling for more

                                                                    to be done to protect

                                                                    police officers and

                                                                    tougher sentences for

October                                                         those who assault the
Findings from the PFEW annual Pay                               police and emergency
and Morale survey showed almost 60                              service workers.

per cent of rank and file West Midlands                                   cember
police officers say morale is currently low.
WMPF’s Tom Cuddeford stated this was a

major concern and pointed out: “In terms

of officers’ personal morale we ranked                     December
11 out of 42 meaning there are 31 forces       West Midlands Police
with a smaller proportion of respondents      Federation held its final
reporting low morale.”                          roadshow of 2016 at

                                                       Coventry Central.                      23
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