Page 17 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar2019-flip_Neat
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I work on a rest day - what can I claim? Look at the information we are sending out
Did you know that if you work on a rest day “
and feed into the national Police Federation
you are entitled compensation? Where less
than 15 days’ notice is given you can get what you want to talk about next. I hope you
time and one half, or in any other case
another rest day, which should be notified to find it useful. I hope you find it informative.
the member within four days of notification
of the requirement to work. If the time Please get involved in this campaign, Your
worked is less than a full day, or for more
information, please look in the Quick rights matter.
Reference Guide or contact the Federation “
I work into my rest day after a night shift,
what can I claim? What happens if I work more than a tour or cancelled but you’re told you do not need to
Did you know that if you work into a rest day rostered shift on a rest day? work after all, you can take the day as
after a night shift you are entitled to Did you know that if you work more than a planned or work and claim compensation,
compensation? Where less than 15 days’ tour or rostered shift on a rest day or public depending on how much notice is given?
notice is given you can get time and one holiday, your entitlement is the same as any
half, or in any other case another rest day, normal rest day or public holiday working More information on rest day working can
which should be notified to the member compensation? be found in the Quick Reference Guide, via
within four days of notification of the your workplace Federation representative or
requirement to work. If the time worked is My rest day is cancelled, but then I am told I through the Federation office.
less than a full day, or for more information, am not needed at work after all, what can I More details of the Did You Know?
please look in the Quick Reference Guide or claim? campaign are available at
contact the Federation office. Did you know that if your rest day is
NARPO continues the fight for
life-long widows’ pensions
A day of lobbying Parliament is being planned And as part of this, NARPO is hoping In 1987, when Kate was just 24, her husband
by the National Association of Retired Police to hold a day of lobbying in Parliament in Colin (40) died after having a heart attack
Officers (NARPO) which is working with the March - subject to Brexit developments. while working as a West Midlands Police dog
widow of a West Midlands Police officer Kate said: “It is great that NARPO is handler. He had been called to a disturbance
campaigning to get pensions for life for all still prepared to keep fighting for parity at a block of flats. Their daughter, Kelly, was
police widows. with Northern Ireland despite the abiding four at the time.
In 2014, Kate Hall launched a campaign obsession with Brexit in Westminster, and After Colin’s death, Kate met her new
for parity with RUC widows of Northern we should, of course, do our utmost to partner, John, in 1994 when she enrolled on a
Ireland who retain their pension even if support this event.” college course to improve her job prospects in
they re-marry or move in with a partner. Her In order to present more compelling order to support herself and Kelly.
online petition currently has nearly 130,000 evidence to Parliamentarians, NARPO is In 2001, she and John decided to live
signatures. asking for survivors to share their personal together as a couple, resulting in the loss of
The campaign has so far achieved life- story if: Kate’s police widow’s pension.
long pensions for the survivors of officers l They have lost their pension on re- Parity with Northern Ireland would mean
that were members of the 1987 Police marriage or co-habitation or have not re- life-long pensions for all widows irrespective
Pension Scheme, and were killed on duty or married/co-habited because of the threat of of the timing or circumstances of the officer’s
travelling to or from duty, died as a result losing their pension death. The officer could have died on duty,
of injuries sustained on duty or were killed l Anyone whose spouse died on duty and been killed on duty, died of illness during
because they were recognised as a police has retained their pension on re-marriage, service or died post-retirement.
officer. lost their pension on re-marriage If you feel that you are able to assist
NARPO has previously pledged its support or has not re-married/co-habited because of NARPO, and/or would like to go to Parliament
for Kate’s efforts and, with 2019 marking its the threat of losing their pension in March in order to lobby your MP - send your
centenary year, is looking to strengthen its l Any widows whose husband retired personal story and mobile number to Kate
campaign for equality in the pension rights from an English or Welsh force but served in in the first instance and she will forward the
of those widows, widowers and civil partners Northern Ireland or Scotland or anyone who details to NARPO CEO Steve Edwards. Kate’s
still overshadowed by the 1987 Police Pension would have had their pension reinstated if email address is
Regulations. their husband had served in Scotland. federation February/March 2019 17