Page 6 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar2019-flip_Neat
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Roads policing conference
Focus on roads
policing Response drivers:
Government must
be bold
fficers from across England and Wales attend the annual Roads The Government must be bold and put
Policing Conference. out a statement saying precisely when
O West Midlands Police Federation secretary and the Federation’s it will make the amendments to the
national response driving lead, Tim Rogers, was among the speakers who law it has promised to ensure police
gave an update on the campaign for better legislation in law for better drivers get the legal protection they
protection for police drivers. need when carrying out their job, the
The event is always popular in the roads policing calendar and gives Federation’s response driving lead told Tim Rogers.
officers the chance to highlight challenges, successes and best industry conference.
practice. Calling the current situation an ‘irreversible position of
This year’s conference sessions included an input from NPCC lead for agreement’, Tim Rogers, who is deputy secretary of West
roads policing - Chief Constable Anthony Bangham - and a panel session lead Midlands Police Federation, also said that Brexit was no excuse
by Simon Hill from the Metropolitan Police called ‘When A Pursuit Goes for delaying legislative change and that nothing should have
Wrong.’ greater importance than giving officers the tools they needed
There was an input on police pressures and resilience, which shadow to serve and protect the public.
policing minister Louise Haigh took part in and delegates also benefited Tim’s presentation at the Police Federation’s annual roads
from a session called ‘Impartiality, Bias and Contamination – A Case Study of policing conference began with a slide showing people walking
Attempted Murder’ led by Frances Senior from forensic collision towards a large black hole and he told delegates: “The hole
investigation. represents the current legislative flaw, very large and very real.
This year’s event was entitled ‘Officer Welfare Matters’ and was held in “The people represent police drivers, hard-working,
Hinckley, Leicestershire on 29 and 30 January.
professional, well trained individuals, happily going about their
duties, serving the public, keeping them from harm and
believing they are entitled to use their excellent training to do
what society expects.
“There are 7.2 million response drives and more than 12,000
pursuits including specialist tactics are professionally managed
each year, but each instance could land you in this hole.
“Now, if you fall in some may be able to get straight out,
some may take years to escape with irreparable damage done
by the experience.”
The risk to police drivers arises from the fact that their
driving is judged against the careful and competent driver with
the current legislation not allowing any exception to be made
in the light of their training.
But he pointed out that all key stakeholders – including the
Government, the Home Office, the CPS and the IOPC – now
agree the legislation must change and are committed to
Xxxxxxx making this happen within the promised timeframe of
“This is a significant achievement,” Tim explained, adding
that lawyers will now agree the draft legislation for approval,
ahead of a three-month consultation period which will run until
April this year.
“During this time, the Government needs to ascertain and
confirm the vehicle for this legislative change, currently its
preferred method is the Private Members’ Bill sponsored by Sir
Henry Billingham which is due for its next reading in the House
of Commons on 23 March.
“The Government needs to be bold, make sure it takes
ownership of the bill and get right behind it. Anything less is
06 federation February/March 2019