Page 9 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2018-flip
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the former West Midlands Police Federation
Constables’ Branch Board and now the ‘Critics didn’t think
individual rank boards have been abolished
under the post-review re-structure of the
Federation, was its last ever secretary,
helping to see it through the turbulent we could change’
change programme.
While only just starting her new role,
Peggy is aware there are plenty of challenges
coming up for all parts of the police service. The Federation has shown true grit and
“I think for most officers at the moment resolve to overcome its critics and reform,
their focus is on continuing to provide the Andy Fittes has said in his final blog as
best service they can to the public when national general secretary.
they don’t feel they have the time and Explaining that he believes the
resources to do so. I also think officer organisation is now stronger, Andy
numbers need to rise, but that this won’t outlines a number of key successes in his
help in the short-term as it takes a while to four years as secretary of the Police
become a fully competent, confident officer,” Federation of England and Wales (PFEW).
she says. “I have been a rep for 19 years and I
“The Force needs to carefully think about have witnessed first-hand how hard it has
how it manages this issue as officers are been for us to get where we are today.
now really at the point where they can’t Critics thought we could not pull off the
cope anymore. Sadly, much of the solution scope of the much-needed change advised
lies with Government funding so we have to in the 2014 independent review – among Retiring general secretary Andy Fittes.
try to work to raise awareness of this those critics was the then Home Secretary
problem with the public and the Theresa May – but we have,” he writes. officers who were deployed. But we were
Government. “I think we have shown true grit and swiftly able to argue our case and, due to
“Policing has changed so much in some resolve to move the organisation to a our established relationship, it was in
ways since I joined and in other ways not at better place. I feel as though I am leaving officers’ pay packets the following month.
all. The issues we deal with in society have the organisation stronger than I found it Legal action can take years, with no
remained largely the same - with some – armed with a new structure and guaranteed outcome.”
obvious growing areas such as cyber-crime. governance that will enable it to be more Andy says to refer to the new elections
Officers are recruited differently and trained effective for our members. process, which has now drawn to a close,
differently. I think it can be easy to become “The past four years has not just been welcoming new reps and expressing his
isolated now as we are moved around so about organisational change. We achieve pride in the positive action provisions:
much. I would hope new recruits can still many small things every day for our “We must look like the officers we
find allies wherever they are. People make members, and those things add up to represent, and we had been struggling for
policing good.” bigger things that make a real impact – for some time to attract the diversity of reps
But Peggy is also keen to be upfront example, we successfully argued to keep that we should. The mechanisms, which
about the role and the reach of the the away from home overnight allowance, are innovative and flexible, go some way to
Federation, since she feels there is much insisted that forces must adhere to the addressing this issue but our work in this
confusion in this area. Children and Families Act 2014, and area continues. I want to see more women
“We are there to make sure policy and lobbied for clearer pension benefit and under-represented groups taking up
procedures are followed correctly, to attempt statements and an accurate pension roles in the PFEW.”
to influence decisions on pay and conditions calculator.” He also speaks out in support of the
and at a local level to provide representation Andy goes on to argue that the Police Remuneration Review Body
and support when officers are facing Federation’s influence on the Government expressing his opinion that it could work if
disciplinary action or need help with another is the envy of many unions and free from political influence. The body has,
policy or process,” she points out. representative bodies and admits the he argues, supported the Federation’s
“I can honestly say that I have always Federation must nurture its relationship recommendations due to the evidence
tried my very best to make sure any officer I with the Home Office to achieve ‘real, provided, but the Government has never
am helping has had the best advice and lasting change for our members’. provided a solid reason for ignoring them.
guidance we are able to offer. I know “It is this relationship that means we “This needs to change,” Andy adds.
nationally we do everything possible to try get invited to the table for consultations He concludes: “The Federation can be a
to secure the best outcome for officers and it is also testament to the quality of frustrating place to work, but is also an
across England and Wales. It’s a trickier our research and evidence-gathering incredibly diverse and rewarding place to
balancing act than people realise though. abilities – they may not always agree with work. I am the final general secretary of
“I think the best thing the officers who us, as the Government has its own agenda, the Joint Central Committee, a role that is
say the Federation doesn’t do anything for but we are listened to,” he explains. now gone with our new rules and
them can do is come and join us. Then if they “Some may feel that we should wield regulations.
still think we don’t do anything change it!” the strong arm of the law more readily, “I am leaving behind an organisation
Peggy is keen to acknowledge the that we should sue over the things we do with the structures in place to be a flexible
mentoring she received from her not like. But it is through dialogue and and agile representative body for its
predecessor, Debbie Hodson – now Williams. negotiation that we achieve the most members. Cultural change is the next step
“She is an amazing person who taught useful things for our members. – we are already on the road to a more
me so much and has always been on hand to “For example, we had a disagreement united and co-operative PFEW, but we
help. I would definitely have been less of a with the National Police Chiefs’ Council must continue to build trust with our
rep and a person without her support,” over President Trump’s visit in the summer members.”
Peggy concludes. and paying overnight allowance to those federation October/November 2018 09