Page 5 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
P. 5

West Midlands Police Federation thinks its
       members deserve better than to be told
       sergeants are no longer being trained to carry
       Taser on grounds of cost. It is not good enough
       and it has to change immediately.
          Taser could save an officer’s life. Sergeants
       are often the only officers free to support
       colleagues at back-up shouts, they are mostly
       single-crewed in some of the most violent
       streets of the UK.
          To prevent sergeants, who are already
       trained and have years of experience, using the
       tactic from undertaking a simple one-day
       refresher course, on grounds of cost, is
          As far as I’m concerned, there is no reason
       why every West Midlands Police officer who
       wants to carry a Taser should not be given the
       training and authority to do so, regardless of
       their rank. So we will keep pressing the Force
       on this issue until common sense prevails.
          We will also continue to ask questions
       about the closure of police stations and the
       worryingly high number of experienced
       officers who are quitting the Force over pay
       and pensions frustrations.
          The rising level of violence on our streets is
       also something the Police Federation is
       keeping a very close eye on.
          A recent assessment by Her Majesty’s
       Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire &   Want to get fit and healthy?
       Rescue Services found the West Midlands had
       the highest rate of firearms offences (24.5 per
       100,000 population) and knife crime offences
       (1.55 per 1,000 population) so we will be   WEST MIDLANDS POLICE IS ONE OF FOUR FORCES INVOLVED IN
       working hard to make sure our members feel   A PILOT SCHEME FOR A NEW SPORTS PROGRAMME
       they are getting the protection and support
       they deserve.                        Officers are being invited to take part in an      “Signing up for 1TeamActive will
          But not all challenges are negative and one   exciting new fitness programme which is   encourage both you and your family to get
       I am particularly looking forward to is this   being piloted at a select few forces across the   moving more while having fun.”
       year’s Police Unity Tour (PUT) charity bike ride   country.                 Those interested in taking part can apply
       which raises vital funds for the Care of Police      Created by TeamPolice, in partnership   as an individual or sign up with their family.
       Survivors (COPS) charity.            with Sport England, 1TeamActive is a free      Each application will be assessed by
          I took part in the 2019 PUT ride and will   sport and activity scheme designed to   Cardiff Metropolitan University and, if
       do so again this year. I am actively   improve the health, lifestyle and wellbeing of   successful, the participant will begin their
       encouraging colleagues to join me.   those involved.                     journey with a fun, interactive event day.
          It really is an incredible experience and      West Midlands Police officers and staff      The programme is a total of 11 weeks,
       everyone who takes part always talks about   are being encouraged to apply for the   including two activity classes a week, led by an
       the wonderful camaraderie. It brings out the   11-week programme, specifically those who   instructor and local to the participant’s home.
       very best of the police family and it is all done   tend to do less than 150 minutes of moderate      Sophie added: “1Team Active aims to get
       in the name of such a worthwhile cause, a   activity each week, and those who feel that   participants moving for at least 150 minutes
       charity that supports the families of fallen   their mental health has suffered due to the   a week. Plus, we want everyone to feel like
       officers.                            demands of policing.                they’re in this together, and thanks to an
          So if anyone’s New Year fitness pledge is      West Midlands Police is one of only four   interactive platform, every participant will be
       starting to flag, this is the ideal way to get   forces across the nation taking part in the   able to stay in touch with one another, share
       motivated again!                     pilot programme.                    stories, challenge themselves and motivate
          As usual, I will end by urging you all to      Force wellbeing manager Sophie Petrie   their peers.
       stay safe and reminding you that West   said: “It’s no secret that movement has a      “And the best bit is, this is all totally free
       Midlands Police Federation is always here for   significant impact on our lifestyle and getting   to those taking part.”
       you and making sure your voices are being   active can make us feel happier, as well as      The aim is that the scheme will be rolled
       heard loud and clear, and acted on.  healthier.                          out nationally across all forces, depending on
                                               “So, if you would like a physical and   the outcome of the scheme.
                                            mental boost to your health, then get in      If you are interested in applying then
                                            touch because you are the ideal candidate.  email Sophie.

                                                         federation  February/March 2022 5
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