Page 13 - WMPF Federation June-July2018-flip_Neat
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in you in order to reduce the demand and the wellbeing had been compromised and people ministers hard evidence to present to the
pressures that you face. We will invest £718 were suffering as neighbourhood policing Treasury.
million over the next Parliament to fund had been decimated. Public confidence in the But Louise Haigh questioned how much
10,000 neighbourhood police officers but service was affected because people were not more evidence the Government needed,
crucially we will also invest in other public seeing the police. saying it needed to wake up and realise that
services… to ease those pressures on you, to “The situation needs to be addressed and the police service was not sustainable in its
reduce that demand you face day in, day out.” it needs to be addressed now,” Calum told current form.
Although it was only six years since she conference. The police minister said he had already
had been a Special, she said the service was Chief Constable Thornton said chiefs were outlined that change and investment were
now ‘unrecognisable’ and she wanted to aware of the problems and it was good to happening: “I am speaking but no-one is
invest in policing so officers could hear the police minister and his shadow listening.”
concentrate on their basic duty, fighting cabinet colleague recognise the issues, with And he made a plea to the Federation:
crime. officer numbers at 1985 levels. “We can sit here and have the same
The national chair said the police service Sir Thomas explained all chief constables conversation we have had for years or we can
was in the midst of a perfect storm – public will now be required to submit Force actually look forwards.”
safety had been compromised, officer Management Statements, which should give
West Mids DI puts police minister on the spot
West Midlands DI and Federation police force that has been subject to cuts
representative Warren Hines told the and freezing to recognise that something
police minister he was concerned that he has changed but something has changed
had quoted a figure for funding that had and that’s changing across the country
been subject to a formal complaint to the with PCCs doing things with this
Statistics Authority. additional money.
“Maybe I misunderstood what you said “This additional funding will result, in
about the extra £460 million of police many places, in additional officers. That is
funding but I understood Theresa May was the change. The Government understands
criticised by the Statistics Authority for that you are stretched and to increase
saying that was extra money that was capacity we need to increase public
going into policing,” he told Nick Hurd. investment and that is £13 billion this
“I recollect it was £270 million that year. But don’t forget that big number -
was going to be made up from PCCs £50 billion a year on just interest that was
increasing the council tax precept. And racked up by previous governments.”
this is the heart of the problem with the He added: “This is always going to be a
police: until there’s some absolute honesty discussion about priorities – doctors and
and clarity around how the police is being headteachers would be making the same
funded and where the funding is coming argument.”
from, we are going to continue to fail. Sir Thomas Winsor, HM Chief Inspector
“So, I ask you to update the room on West Midlands DI and Federation of Constabulary and HM Chief Inspector of
exactly where that £460 million is coming representative Warren Hines. Fire and Rescue Services, said: “The
from because that has been subject to a comes from council tax precept and the rest Treasury needs objectively prepared, fairly
complaint and I’m concerned that you’ve comes from central Government. But let’s be and independently assessed hard evidence
come here and quoted it again today.” clear about something, and you know this as of what demand the public and public
In response, Mr Hurd warned DI Hines well as I do; this is a totally artificial services is putting on police, the state of
and all delegates that there is no such conversation because there’s no such thing assets and how much money the police
thing as ‘Government money’. He also as Government money. If we want more has and how it adds up. That is quality and
reminded them about the annual interest money into policing, it’s the tax payer who reliability and that is near perfect means
bill. pays. There is no such thing as Government for ministers to go back to the Treasury
“I’ve said £460 million over and above money. “As tax payers we are investing and say these are the hard facts in detail
last year and that is genuinely new around £1 billion more than we were two and now we have to make a political
money,” he clarified, “Around £280 million years ago and I know it takes a while for a decision.”
Minister asked for PRRB pledge
The police minister has promised that he will always fight for fair pay it would accept the recommendations in full.
for police officers. Last year, he said there had to be a compromise on the
He was repeatedly asked by the chair of Sussex Police Federation, recommendations due to affordability.
Matt Webb, if he would go on record to say he would argue on Nick Hurd finally said he would put that on record and undertake
officers’ behalf for the Government to accept in full the to do so with the caveat that it was as long as they weren’t ‘bonkers’.
recommendations of the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) on Shadow police minister Louise Haigh said the PRRB was a
pay this year, after the Government failed to do so in 2017. ‘complete joke’ since it was supposed to be independent but the
Apparently, lost for words initially, he said he could not agree Government then ordered it to keep any pay rise under one per cent.
since he hadn’t seen them. Labour would either return to negotiation on pay or would accept in
But Matt came back by saying the police service hadn’t either but full the recommendations, the shadow minister said. federation June/July 2018 13