Page 4 - West Midlands Police Federation_Annual Report18_Neat
P. 4

Secretary’s summary

      There were four key themes to my work during 2018
      – the Federation elections, maintaining the quality of
      service we offer members, officers’ pay and, perhaps

      linked to that, issues around retention and recruitment.

      Elections               Serving our members      The Federation has argued that
                                                       in real terms this amounts to just
      From February 2018, branches   The budget available to West   0.85 per cent for constables while
      across England and Wales held   Midlands Police Federation is   also stating officer pay has fallen
      their first elections under the   now set centrally by the Police   more than that of other sectors
      new processes put in place   Federation of England and Wales.   of the workforce. The Federation
      following Sir David Normington’s   Despite receiving a far smaller   has mounted a legal challenge to
      independent review of the   amount from central funds than   the Government’s decision.
      Police Federation. The overall   we have had previously, we have
      aim was to ensure that each   managed to retain the same level   Retention and recruitment
      Branch Council was made up of   of service to our members.
      a truly representative group of                  We are beginning to see an
      individuals. New constituencies   We are still offering off-duty legal   increase in the number of people
      were drawn up which brought   cover – with the Metropolitan   choosing to leave the Force and
      challenges with regard to   Police being the only other   this is coupled with early signs
      geographic and departmental   branch to do so. This means our   of a slow-down in the number
      representation but committee   members are fully protected both   of people showing an interest in
      secretaries have worked hard to   on and off duty. This policy is   joining. The combination of these
      train and upskill representatives   due for renewal in April 2019   two factors means, for the first
      to provide a professional service   but will continue as long as it   time in a long time, we
      locally. The vast majority of all   remains affordable.  may have a recruitment and
      newly elected reps have received   Pay           retention problem.
      their initial Federation training                The introduction of the Policing
      with two courses being held   For the second year running,   Education Qualifications
      locally. The election also provided   the Government ignored   Framework (PEQF) now requires
      us with a waiting list of those   the recommendations of   all police officers to have degree
      wanting to become reps but,   the independent Police   level qualifications at the point
      due to retirements, transfers   Remuneration Review Body   of confirmation and this is
      and other officers leaving, this   (PRRB). The PRRB had   something we, as a Federation,
      has now been exhausted. We   recommended a three per cent   believe will lead to a lack of
      are organising another round of   pay rise – close to the 3.4 per   diversity in recruits across many
      elections to fill the vacancies   cent sought for members by   protected strands.
      and replenish the waiting list   the Police Federation and the
      so that we retain a full council   Superintendents’ Association -
      for the next two years, until the   but the Government instead gave
      next triennial.         officers just two per cent.

      By Steve Grange

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