Page 12 - WMPF Federation AUG-SEPT 2019_Neat
P. 12

Supporting members

        ‘I have a pretty good idea

       of how colleagues feel’

       says new conduct lead

       ‘Do not panic’ – that’s the first bit of                                  haven’t forgotten about them. It is really not
       advice full-time West Midlands Police                                     that hard.”
       Federation conduct lead George McDonnell                                     What he finds more challenging,
       offers to members served with a Regulation                                however, is ensuring the line between officers
       15 Notice.                                                                making an honest mistake and being
          Secondly, he advises officers to accept the                            deliberately bad is maintained.
       notice, read it carefully and not comment.                                   “But,” he concedes, “At times, we do have
          “The notice will say it is notification that                           to accept that officers may get things wrong
       an allegation has been made against them,”                                and they are not fallible. In line with the
       George explains, “It is purely that, an                                   recommendations put forward by Lord Taylor
       allegation and 95 per cent are not proven or                              in 2012, we have to embrace learning and
       admitted. Thankfully, we are moving away                                  there is an argument that we should all be on
       from dishing out Regulation Notices for every                             a development plan throughout our careers.
       matter as the Force’s Professional Standards                                 “We are awaiting the introduction of new
       Department is more open to mistakes being                                 conduct regulations which further embed
       made by officers that can be rectified by extra                           this learning and development ethos but we
       learning. Clearly, the more serious matters                               welcome the stronger emphasis to be placed
       will still need the service of a Regulation                               on performance requiring improvement.
       Notice.”                                                                     “These should further concentrate minds
          On receiving a notice, members should                                  in relation to officer learning and move away
       call George or one of the other representatives   West Midlands Police Federation conduct   from the blame game that officers have
       on the Federation’s Conduct and Performance   lead George McDonnell.      suffered for years.”
       Liaison Officers’ (CaPLO) Committee to seek                                  George believes the Independent Office
       initial advice.                         He has also had experience of being   for Police Conduct has started to move
          “This will often go some way to reassure   subject to a complaint, recalling: “I think it   forward in terms of being more
       the officer and, at the very least, explain the   took 18 months from the start of the   transparent, more accountable and more
       process and what it is the officer can expect   investigation until its conclusion. This   informed about what police officers do in
       at every stage should further enquiries   culminated in a police notebook entry and an   their very varied and complex roles.
       continue,” he says.                  apology for not getting the whole sorry      The Federation is making the most of
          George, who is secretary of the CaPLO   episode concluded quicker. It certainly   quarterly meetings between the IOPC and
       Committee, now shares the Federation’s   impacts on your everyday life; family, friends   other regional conduct representatives at
       full-time conduct role with Dave Hadley   and almost everything you do or say at that   which any concerns can be raised, either in
       following the retirement in June of conduct   time.                       individual cases or where a number of
       stalwart John Tooms.                    “Having been investigated and having   officers are subject to a joint investigation.
          But he has five years’ experience as a   found the whole experience daunting, I have      Anything from timelines to personnel will
       Federation representative under his belt,   a pretty good idea of how my colleagues feel.  be discussed and, if feedback is required, this
                                               “I think it’s really important to take the
       specialising in conduct cases from very early     time to make a call to let them know you   is acted on.
                                                                                   “This has undoubtedly gone some way to

     “                                                                           and the Federation. It is certainly not perfect
       on during his Federation career.
                                                                                 improve the relationship between the IOPC
                   Supporting colleagues throughout the entire
                                                                                 but it is a whole world away from where we
                   process was rewarding as was challenging
                                                                                 were four to five years ago,” says George.
                                                                                   But, he also argues officers need to play

                   unfairness, offering re-assurance where it was  their part in helping improve performance.
                                                                                   “We all need to continually reflect on
                   desperately needed and managing realistic
                                                                                 done something differently or better. As a
                   expectations.                                                   self-performance, ask whether we could have
                                                                                 Federation, we have to drive that reflection
                                                                                 but also continually hold the investigating
                                                                                 authorities to account on behalf of all those
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