Page 22 - WMPF Federation AUG-SEPT 2019_Neat
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Offering advice
The wellbeing van support team.
Wellbeing van promotes
welfare message
ore than 250 people took up the plans for additional wellbeing events in the
opportunity to visit a wellbeing van autumn.”
Mwhile it was in the Force area at the During the latest visit, the wellbeing
beginning of July. team were able to help people in the
The van, provided by the National following ways:
Wellbeing Service, visited Coventry Central, l Health and fitness advice - providing
Airport Operations, Wolverhampton, Perry height, weight, blood pressure
Barr and Solihull for a day each from Monday measurements and healthy lifestyle
8 July through to Friday 12 July. support
The locations were selected as sites l Employee support team - promoting
where the travel to Tally Ho and Lloyd House good mental health and counselling
for wellbeing and information events can Getting advice in the wellbeing van. advice
prove difficult for some officers and staff. l Employee benefits team – talking about
Lorraine Horner, Force wellbeing officers and staff who visited the van the new ‘My Benefits’ platform and what
manager, explained: “We had over 250 themselves and give them tips on helping benefits are on offer.
people attend the van over the five days and their team members. Representatives from Sodexo, the Force’s
the feedback was once again really positive “The wellbeing van is due to return to BWell and benefits partner, were able to
from all who attended. We were able to the Force for week commencing 16 demonstrate the wellbeing website as part
provide important advice on fitness testing September and we are in conversation with of BWell while the Force chaplaincy service
and training for the fitness test as well as the National Wellbeing Service on when we was on hand to provide support and
give advice on psychological support for can have the van in future. There are also promoting how the multi-faith team can
22 federation August/September 2019