Page 12 - Federation magazine: October / November 2016
P. 12

Fed acts over televised
football matches
Chief officers have been forced to
         cancel officers’ rest days to provide  marred this derby in the past. This request   increased,” says Tom.
         an adequate police presence at a       was made to the Football League and, to       	 “This situation is very obviously not at all
                                                satisfy TV companies, it requested that the   good news for our members, taking into

local football derby which was re-arranged      fixture be moved to 8pm on Monday 31          account other events such as Operation

to suit a TV company’s schedules.               October.                                      Pelkin and the ongoing WMP2020 TS1

	 But West Midlands Police Federation,          	 Tom explains: “Representation was           programme. However, the criteria of

which has already taken up the issue with       made to prevent this fixture being allowed ‘exigency of duty’ has been met and other

Assistant Chief Constable Marcus Beale and to take place on an evening due to the             options were considered by the Force,

Force Operations, says this should not be       potential for serious disorder exacerbated    however, due to the number of PSUs required

allowed to happen again and the matter is       by it being a late kick-off with greater      and ‘back-filling’ requirements they had no

being raised with the National Police Chiefs’ opportunity for alcohol to play a part. The     alternative other than to cancel rest days for

Council.                                        Football League took on board the Force’s     this match.”

	 “I fully appreciate it will not change the representations and, as such, the fixture        	 Tom has written to the ACC, on behalf of

‘here and now’ for this particular fixture but was provisionally set for Sunday 30 October members, highlighting his concerns around

my honest opinion, in these very challenging at 1200hrs pending agreement with Sky            this issue and the lack of consideration by

times for all in policing, is that media and    Sports.”                                      media companies for the wider impact of

professional sporting bodies need to be         	 On Wednesday 10 August, the Force           policing televised football matches

more accountable, not only for their selected received formal confirmation from the           particularly in relation to the detrimental

audiences but also for the benefit of all.      league that, after consulting Sky Sports, the effect on police officers and their families but

From my selfish point of view, appropriate      fixture would go ahead at 12 noon on          also the wider communities who will see

decision-makers at this level need to fully     Sunday 30 October.                            officers drawn away from their local policing

realise the impact these type of events have 	 “Due to this decision taken by the             areas.

on our extremely hard-working members,”         Football League and Sky Sports and the date 	 Mr Beale has in turn raised concerns with

says Tom Cuddeford, interim chairman of         it was taken, also being outside the Force’s ACC Mark Roberts of Cheshire Police who is

West Midlands Police Federation.                control, it does fall under the ‘exigency of  the National Police Chiefs’ Council football

	 “Locally also, with the full support of the duty’ remit. This is also aggravated by the     lead and liaises with the TV companies and

Force, I will be meeting with Force Ops         fact that it is the end of the half term      the football authorities at a national level

imminently to review all football fixtures      holiday and also Hallowe’en weekend,          while Tom has also referred the issue to

here in the West Midlands to try to find        meaning that there will already be many       national Police Federation chairman Steve
“solutions to minimise disruption of similar
                                                officers on leave and demand is likely to be White who has agreed to take up the matter.
high profile matches for the benefit of our
members.”                                                Locally also, with the full support of the
	 Rest days have been cancelled for the                  Force, I will be meeting with Force Ops
Birmingham City v Aston Villa match on 30                imminently to review all football fixtures
October, even though the fixture was                     here in the West Midlands to try to find
originally scheduled for Saturday 29 October,                       “
as published in June this year, and therefore
would not normally have triggered an
exigency of duty.                                         solutions to minimise disruption of similar
	 It was agreed, at the end of June
                                                          high profile matches for the benefit of our
following a meeting between Force Ops and                 members.
both football clubs, that kick-off should be
no later than 1pm on a Sunday due to

concerns about public order which has

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