Page 14 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
P. 14

Work of detectives

       put in the spotlight

                                                                                 vacancy rate. There was quite a bit of
                                                                                 murmuring in the room when this slide was
                                                                                 presented as it does mean that officers are
                                                                                 being paid different rates around the
                                                                                 country as well as within their own force.
                                                                                    Personally, I don’t think we have the
                                                                                 issue around the vacancy rate that Surrey
                                                                                 has due to the Detective Academy that we
                                                                                 run within West Midlands. This ensures that
                                                                                 there are always a large number of
                                                                                 applicants for each programme that is run.
                                                                                    However, the high workload does
       DC Nick McCullogh came third in the Trainee   DC Shane Saunders (left) is congratulated by   resonate and it is something that each
       Investigator of the Year category.   national Federation chair John Apter after   officer within investigations has to try to
                                            winning the regional ‘players’ player’ award.
                                                                                 juggle on a daily basis.
            he Police Federation’s National      Only a DC at the time, she was      At the awards evening, I was personally
            Detectives’ Forum held its annual   welcomed back to the Met and didn’t let   delighted that our very own DC Shane
       Ttwo-day seminar culminating in an   the fact that she was in a wheelchair stop   Saunders, who is based at Birmingham
       evening awards ceremony at Hinckley,   her from continuing her career working in   Central, won a regional award, a ‘players’
       Leicestershire in October.           some really busy and challenging areas of   player’ award nominated and decided on by
          West Midlands workplace representative,   investigation.               detectives from within our region.
       Jon Nott, who works in investigations, FCID,      What I took from the talk was the value      DC Nick McCullogh, of Birmingham
       attended and gives an overview of the event.  of good leadership, with leaders who really   South, was also in third place for the Trainee
          There were a number of different   know their staff and believe in them,   Investigator of the Year Award. It was good
       seminars across the two days.        enabling them to fulfill their potential as a   to be able to recognise their hard work and
          Firstly, we heard from last year’s   detective regardless of any perceived   to thank them and celebrate with them and
       Investigation of the Year award-winning   blockages.                      their wives.
       team, about the Thames Valley fraud      There was a topical session from Chief      It was the largest event we have had to
       investigation.                       Constable Nick Ephgrave from Surrey Police.   date and there were more than 180
          Hearing about the size of that    Surrey has suffered from a high vacancy rate   nominations for the awards in total. The
       investigation and the number of documents   in their detectives as they lose them to   evening is growing each year and it is good
       and lines of investigation that they had to   other forces and struggle to get people to   to come together to recognise detectives
       process was insightful and helpful especially   apply to fill the gaps.   from across the country.
       with the investigation I am currently on.      This was partly due to workload and      The following day saw an input from
          There is always plenty to learn at the   also to the fact that officers in effect take a   Gary Shaw MBE who is the national adviser
       seminar and it was useful to hear what   pay cut when coming away from 24/7   for interviews and he bought some learning
       issues they had encountered during their   response work as they lose out on the   around interviews and interview styles and
       investigation and trial and the solutions they   unsocial hours pay.      aids to interviewing.
       came up with.                           To counter this, Surrey has started a      The final session was around FGM and
          One of the most impactive presentations   programme where officers are paid a bonus   we heard from the national lead, Detective
       of the day was from Paula Craig MBE, a   for completing the ICIDP and then a yearly   Superintendent Leanne Pook from Avon &
       retired DI from the Met, who was paralysed   bonus for staying in the role, filling hard to   Somerset who gave us a background to FGM
       after being hit by a car while on her bike   fill roles and becoming a tutor DC.   offences and highlighted the difficulties in
       training for a triathalon.              This has enabled them to decrease their   prosecuting this offence.

       14      federation December 2018/January 2019                    
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