Page 23 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar 2020-flip_Neat
P. 23

New Year’s honours


            our officers from the Force named in
            the Queen’s New Year Honours have
       Fbeen congratulated by West Midlands   ‘I thought it was a wind-up’
       Police Federation chair Jon Nott.
          Among those honoured were two      Licensing officer Abdool Rohomon says he   got excited as she thought she was
       officers from the Federated ranks – Sergeant   is humbled to have been nominated by his   going to meet the Queen. “She only had
       Jim Reid and PC Abdool Rohomon both of   colleagues after being awarded the Medal   a minor sulk when she realised she
       whom become Medallists of the Order of the   of the Order of the British Empire.  wouldn’t be able to go to the garden
       British Empire.                          PC Rohomon admitted he thought it   party and meet the Queen.”
          Assistant Chief Constable Sue Southern   was a practical joke when he found out      PC Rohomon’s role includes ensuring
       and Chief Superintendent Claire Bell were   about the award.             the smooth running of Birmingham’s
       awarded the Queen’s Police Medal.        He said: “I was at home on Saturday   popular Frankfurt Christmas Market.
                                             and this white envelope dropped through      “I have worked with the organisers
                                             the post, marked ‘On Her Majesty’s   of the Frankfurt Christmas Market for
                                             Service’.                          around 15 years, and helped them
                                                “I thought ‘oh no, what now?’ I opened   develop many of the measures they now
                                             it and thought the paper was very posh   put in place,” he said. “It’s not just me,
                                             and then read the letter many times as I   though, and there have been many
                                             genuinely thought it was a wind-up.  colleagues across many years who have
                                                “I had to call them a couple of weeks   done this with me.”
                                             later as I had not heard anything, and the      He added: “This is only part of my
                                             person at the Cabinet Office must have   role. It also includes what I have done in
                                             thought I was mad as I asked if it was a   licensing, ensuring events go ahead
                                             practical joke.                    safely, which involves scrutinising and
                                                “When I was told I had the award it   challenging event organisers, event
                                             started to sink in, but I couldn’t tell   manuals, risk assessments.”
                                             anyone as it had to be kept a secret.”     PC Rohomon joined the police in
                                                PC Rohomon added: “I feel very   September 1991. He started on B Unit
                                             humbled, mainly that three officers that I   at Steelhouse Lane Police Station.
                                             look up to and respect think I was worthy      He has been a specialist licensing
                                             of such a nomination.              officer for 17 years and has advised the
                                                “That they have taken the time to put   Home Office on licensing matters. For
                                             this nomination through, and the work   the last five years, he has been a
        Sergeant Jim Reid.                   that would have undertaken. I imagine it   member of the National Police Chiefs’
                                             was more than just saying ‘he did a good   Council sub-licensing group, which is
          “I would like to put on record my   job’.”                            made of a small national team of
       congratulations to all four officers but I am      “It is a very surreal feeling to have the   licensing experts, and last year PC
       particularly pleased that Jim and Abdool   award, something you may dream about   Rohomon became the group’s deputy
       have been recognised in this way,” says Jon.  getting but never expect.”  chair.
          “At one time, it was quite unusual to see      PC Rohomon revealed that his family      Did he always want to a police
       officers from the Federated ranks listed in   was ‘gobsmacked and very proud’ at his   officer?
       the Queen’s Honours but in recent years we   award. He is due to receive it from the      “In the main, yes,” he said. “I applied
       have seen a real shift towards        Lord Lieutenant’s office and will be invited   straight out of school and was lucky to
       acknowledging those on the front-line who   to attend a garden party at Buckingham   get in. What do I think it takes to be a
       are going over and above what is expected   Palace in May.               good police officer? Patience, a good ear
       of them, making outstanding contributions      He said: “My nine-year-old daughter   and thick skin.”
       to policing and the communities they serve.”
          Jim, a neighbourhood officer from            I feel very humbled, mainly that three
       Stockland Green, has been honoured for his
       work within the local community. Licensing   “  officers that I look up to and respect think
       officer Abdool has been involved in ensuring
       the Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market       I was worthy of such a nomination.
       runs smoothly and was honoured for his                                                                   “
       dedication to making sure major events are
       operated safely with public protection to the
       fore.                                           federation February/March 2020       23
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