Page 12 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 12

Police pursuits

Emergency service
drivers: ‘more
protection needed’

The Police Federation is continuing to         in the law.                                   officer as a ‘good man’ who is ‘on our side’,
       push for a change in the law around     	 Tim is pushing for the change so officers   but said he had broken the law because by
       all emergency police drivers who it is  who are involved in collisions while          being on a motorcycle, the rider was deemed
currently evidenced are not adequately         responding to incidents or in pursuits are    to be a ‘vulnerable’ road user.
protected from prosecution when carrying       protected from being prosecuted for careless  	 The officer was cleared of any
out their duties responsibly.                  and dangerous driving offences.               wrongdoing after an ordeal lasting more
	 West Midlands Police Federation deputy       	 It follows a number of prosecutions         than 18 months.
secretary Tim Rogers, the Federation’s         going through the courts where officers       In another case involving a police pursuits
national lead on pursuits, wants to see the    have only been spared jail thanks to the      driver, Judge Watson QC said: “After all you,
legislation changed to protect officers who    judges involved, however, the toll on them    and your family has been through, it would
are on duty and ‘doing their job’.             and their families has been high.             be an affront to natural justice if you were to
	 As part of the campaign, he is seeking       	 In one case, a policeman was accused of     face any other internal disciplinary
the support of the National Police Chiefs’     driving dangerously after colliding with a    procedure. I hope that will not be the case. It
Council (NPCC) lead for pursuits– who has      motorbike being ridden by the son of a        only remains for me to say it is a pleasure to
said he would only support a partial change    Toxteth anti-gun campaigner, who was          say you can go free from court.”
                                               serving a suspended sentence.                 	 The existing legislation means currently
                                               	 The prosecution barrister described the     emergency response drives are illegal and

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