Page 18 - Federation magazine: February / March 2017
P. 18
Steelhouse Lane closure
“This is all about providing the best
service possible to people. While we
are quite sentimental about the place,
as a building it doesn’t provide value
for money or the facilities modern
police teams need, nor the public
It is the first time in the Force’s 42-year “This is all about providing the best Police cell at Steelhouse Lane Police
history that Lloyd House will be used – in service possible to people. While we are all Station.
part – as an operational police station where quite sentimental about the place, as a
people can report crime, give statements, building it doesn’t provide value for money
receive safety advice and more. or the facilities modern police teams need,
Head of the Birmingham West nor the public deserve.”
neighbourhood policing unit, Chief To mark the closure, an open day was
Superintendent Chris Johnson, said: “As held with officers, staff and other guests
much as we all love the site on Steelhouse being invited to tour the station and
Lane, it’s almost 100 years old and reminisce. A commemorative enamel pin
struggling to cope with the demands of badge has been commissioned and is
modern policing. The age of the building available to buy for £3.
means it’s expensive to run, there’s lots of All profit from the sale of the badges will
repairs, there is no level access for be donated to the Police Museum. To get
wheelchair users or people with prams, the your hands on one contact Inspector 1758
public space is incredibly small with O’Connor or Sgt 2015 Martin Williams.
nowhere to expand into… the list goes on.
18 federation February/March 2017