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Spotlight on custody

 Safety must be the priority,   Praise for officers as custody deaths at zero

 custody seminar told  Custody officers and staff were praised for   more than 3,000 Hell’s Angels descended   future operations in Eastern Europe.
                                           upon Surrey and Sussex for their 50th year
       their professionalism and the level of care

                                                                                   He told the seminar: “We have a custody
       provided to detainees as latest figures
                                                                                service that is transparent, safe and
                                           celebrations, as a prime example of the best of
       revealed no one died in a custody suite last
                                           British policing.
                                                                                professional it’s something we should all be
       year.                                  For this unprecedented event, Europol and   really proud of.”
          The Independent Office for Police Conduct   police officers from 12 countries were in      “I want to particularly thank those who
       (IOPC) statistics for England and Wales   attendance for the operation along with more   work day in, day out in custody centres in a
 ustody sergeants should feel      ACC Kemp, of Surrey Police, told the
 confident to close a suite when it is   seminar’s custody sergeants: “Ultimately,   2018/2019 cover a range of incidents where   than half of forces in England and Wales   pivotal role in the criminal justice process and
 Cat capacity and not be pressured into   the buck stops with you.” He advised that   there have been fatalities after the police have   providing mutual aid.  dealt with around 700,000 detainees last year,
 taking risks with safety, delegates were told   custody sergeants should couch their   had contact with a person prior to their death.      Despite between 70 and 80 per cent of the   some are the most challenging and vulnerable
 at the two-day Federation National Custody   arguments in terms of health and safety.     On the release of the figures, Assistant   Hell’s Angels and associated groups having   people in society.”
 Seminar.     Earlier in the seminar, Mr Kemp had   Chief Constable Nev Kemp, National Police   criminal convictions for violence, including      He also revealed the NPCC is currently
    Assistant Chief Constable Nev Kemp,   hailed progress made in reducing deaths in   Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) custody lead, said: “Last   convictions for murder and bomb-making,   discussing how to introduce national custody
 custody lead for the National Police Chiefs’   custody to zero in the last year.  year, none of the 698,737 people brought into   officers arrested 53 members over a two-day   training.
 Council, Sergeant Chris Bentley, chair of the      However, Ms Lyon, who chairs the IAPDC,   custody in England and Wales died as a result   period and not a single officer or member of      “Whether there will be a comprehensive
 Police Federation’s National Custody Forum,   raised the high number (58,000 recorded   of harming themselves.  the public was hurt.  package or a national training standard in only
 and Juliet Lyon CBE and Jenny Talbot OBE,   cases) of custody detainees self-harming      “Given that when detainees are brought      According to ACC Kemp, none of them   high risk areas is unclear but chief constables
 both representing the Independent Advisory   and suggested the Government should carry   into custody they are at their lowest and   resisted arrest – attributing it to officers   will be considering it in the next few weeks
 Panel on Deaths in Custody (IAPDC), formed a   out a safety assessment ahead of any future   feeling vulnerable – that is a very impressive   treating people fairly and with dignity.  and we – the College of Policing and the NPCC
 panel session at the seminar to discuss this   cuts in staff numbers.  testament to the care and professionalism of      The lead Europol officer, with decades of   – are pushing for an improvement to the
 issue and others raised by officers at the      “We’ve seen people being asked to do   officers and staff.”  experience, has since commended the   status quo, which is a wide variety of courses
 seminar which was held in Hinckley,   things that pushed them to the edge of      ACC Kemp also highlighted Operation   operation for being ‘the best he has ever seen’   and training methods which are variable in
 Leicestershire on 10 and 11 September.  what’s safe,” she said. “There were 63 deaths   Foreland, carried out at the end of May as   and Mr Kemp said it would pave the way for   quality and often out-dated,” he said.
    Dave Beverley, an Essex Police custody   Assistant Chief Constable Nev Kemp,   following police custody and we know that
 sergeant, described his role of 13 years as   custody lead for the National Police Chiefs’   13 of these were linked to drugs or alcohol   Acid attacks, drugs and   Better support
 ‘challenging and demanding’ and noted that   Council.  – 10 had a known mental health issue – so it   restraint  the restraint was responsible in part.”
 custody is a ‘very pressured environment’.  is quite clear that the solutions lie in health.”     He also spoke about the effectiveness of
    With 18 months until he retires, he said   their concerns, adding: “I just want to      Tom Milsom, operations manager of the   On Day 2 of the seminar, delegates heard   CT scanners to detect drugs and mobile
 he is currently working harder than ever   protect all custody sergeants – we come to   Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC),   about the dangers of concealed drugs and   phones concealed within the body and
 before.  work to try to do our best, to keep everyone   took part in the discussion, assuring the   Acute Behavioural Disturbance (ABD) from   techniques that can be used, such as
    He explained: “We are under constant   alive and sometimes it’s difficult to juggle   audience that a culture change is in   medical experts Dr Meng Aw-Yong and Dr   positioning the detainee forward when
 pressure from our command to keep custody   all the balls.”  progress. He said: “I accept that perhaps our   Johann Grundlingh.  arresting them if officers fear they may have
 suites open. We are being told it is inspectors      Sgt Bentley, who is also a full-time   reports in the past have been over-zealous in      Dr Aw-Yong is medical director for the   swallowed drugs or objects.
 who make decisions to close, not custody   Federation rep, reminded colleagues of   trying to find [fault]. We’re now on a path of   Metropolitan Police Service and a past      Dr Grundlingh presented on acid attacks,
 sergeants. In the NHS, it’s one nurse for every   regulations which state that only a   looking at how we can support the evidence   member of the Independent Advisory   which had peaked in 2017 after a five-year
 eight patients and as soon as you go to nine   superintendent can relieve a custody   base to improve policing.”  Panel on Deaths in Custody and Dr   growth in cases, fuelled by criminal gangs.
 another nurse must be found. As custody   sergeant of command, adding: “Until then a      Mr Kemp acknowledged there had been   Grundlingh is a consultant and chief   Delegates were shown graphic images of
 sergeants, we’re being allowed to drown and   custody sergeant is supreme, we choose to   a ‘change in tone’ from the IOPC in recent   executive of SFR Medical.  injuries and advised on the best ways to
 are told we must keep suites open at all cost.”  deprive people of their liberty and at that   months with more of a focus on learning.     Dr Aw-Yong called for more   treat victims. He also spoke about SFR
    Dave suggested a pro forma should be   point we become responsible for their      “It’s a lot less adversarial than it was and   understanding of ABD among healthcare   Medical which has carved out its niche in   Ché Donald (pictured above), the
 created for custody sergeants to document   health and safety.”  we’re better for it,” he said.  staff, stating that despite it being listed as   speeding up the transfer of medical evidence   Federation’s national vice-chair, also
        a medical emergency in the Royal College   from the NHS to police investigators.  addressed the seminar to share the
        of Emergency Medicine’s best practice                                   findings of the recent demand, capacity
 DIVERT success  have gone through the programme - 150 of      Inspector Katie Andrews of   guidelines, it is often not recognised as   Design guide should set   and welfare survey and Cambridge
                                                                                University’s research into post-traumatic
        such. Affected individuals may suffer
 A custody programme which reaches out   whom are now employed, with another 100   Derbyshire Constabulary was presented   sudden cardiovascular collapse and/or   standard for custody   stress disorder (PTSD). He called for
 to young adults in a bid to steer them   in training and development for work.  with the Outstanding Contribution to   cardiac arrest with little or no warning.   suites  ring-fenced funding for the Police
 away from a life of crime and into jobs      Only seven per cent have re-offended.  Police Custody award. Merseyside Police   Often sedation will be required to prevent   A Police Custody Design Guide is being   Treatment Centres and the enhancement
 including football coaching has yielded      The success of the programme has led   Custody Team 2 were announced as the   the onset of symptoms.  created so that forces can build and refurbish   of the Welfare Support Programme to
 some impressive results.  to it being rolled out across other forces.   Custody Team of the Year and Ulla      He has been involved in six inquests   custody suites nationwide to a common   deliver counselling to Federation members
    Inspector Jack Rowlands from the   From January 2020, Thames Valley Police,   Wachowska, a nurse who works for the   where ABD was a factor and said   standard.  in the future.
 Metropolitan Police Service delivered   South Yorkshire Police, Lancashire and   Metropolitan Police at Heathrow, was   minimising the restraint time for someone      Assistant Chief Constable Nev Kemp, the
 a presentation on DIVERT at the   Nottinghamshire Police will be joining the   honoured for her thoroughness and   at risk of the condition is vital. The use of   National Police Chiefs’ Council lead on   Custody visitors
 seminar.  scheme.  hard work.   Taser could be considered to help that.  custody, announced the launch of the guide   The seminar received a presentation on the
    DIVERT is designed to divert 18 to      City of London Sergeant, Richard      He said: “I am keen to protect officers,   when he addressed the seminar.  work of the Independent Custody Visitors’
 25-year-olds away from offending and   Awards ceremony  Longden was named Custody Officer of   to avoid them having to grip the rail if      It should now be used as the reference   Association (ICVA).
 into employment, development and   Officers judged to have made exceptional   the Year and Professor Michael Zander   there is a death in custody and the   document for any custody estate work and      They speak to around 29,000 detainees
 education.  contributions to the world of custody were   was presented with a certificate of   subsequent investigation. Even if that   will also be of interest to construction   in a typical year and have been taking part
    Between its launch in 2015 and   recognised at an evening awards ceremony   special recognition for his services to   restraint was proportionate and there   companies, architects and suppliers who   in a pilot scheme at Derbyshire
 October 2018, more than 320 people   on the first day of the seminar.  police custody.  were other contributing factors, the   provide custodial design support or custodial   Constabulary to drive forward
        coroner’s verdict will still come back that   products.                 improvements.

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