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Change to law
Police drivers’ training Government set to launch two-
I am pleased to see that the
to be recognised in law year review of roads policing
Government is holding true
to its commitment to change
“ the law. For far too long, The launch of a long overdue roads policing they have no dedicated roads policing l Operational enforcement: traditional
and traffic enforcement review has been
roads policing unit front-line work but
welcomed by Tim Rogers, deputy secretary “I suppose the justification was a also casuality information unit and so on
professional police drivers of West Midlands Police Federation and the stagnation in road death figures - around l Back office capability: administration of
have faced criminal national response driving lead. five a day. This has stayed stable but there fines and so on, for example, France only
has been no real recognition for the fact this
Tim wants as many officers as possible
has one ticket office which is Paris based
prosecution when seeking to to engage with the review so that they can may be down to the improvements in l Road safety and partnerships
help steer a re-investment in roads policing.
l Driver training and driver legislation
vehicle safety or the improvement in medical
serve their communities in “As a Federation, we have been calling for intervention at the scene of accidents. (Home Office led): the area in which Tim
this review for more than three years now,” “But by implication, we seem to have leads nationally
the way that the public says Tim, “Roads policing, as we all know, has been saying it’s OK for six people a day to die l Home Office type approval (speed
been severely neglected for the last 10 years on our roads and that should never be detection devices, ANPR equipment,
due to the Government’s austerity accepted. technology, Starchase, trackers and so
measures. “We’ve set up dedicated units for road on.
the way in which they have “While, ultimately, chief officers have death while cutting the enforcement In the summer, the Government
presided over the cuts to roads policing, we education and engineering side of casualty announced the joint review, which will be
been trained. are keenly aware they have been put reduction. What message does that send the first of its kind, would be launched later
somewhere between a rock and a hard place. out? Some say the message is that the this year in a bid to improve road safety.
They have seen their budgets slashed and police service is content for someone to be The two-year review, jointly funded by
have had to make really tough decisions. killed in a road accident but the public can the Department for Transport and Highways
“Chief officers have on occasion had to rest assured it will then carry out a better England, will look at how roads policing
choose between cutting the number of quality investigation into the incident.” currently works, its effectiveness and where
roads policing officers or cutting public Tim also believes the key factors in the improvements could be made or gaps
would expect and in exactly “
protection. Faced with that choice, it came Government announcing the review were bridged.
bill that will ensure police drivers’ example, a member of the public is not victims, create a statutory definition of as no surprise that roads policing units lost the damage to the fragile roads A pilot programme based on the review
specialist training is recognised in trained to ignore traffic signs, cross the domestic abuse and give accusers automatic out but that has come at a cost. infrastructure and the fact it runs to and consultation feedback could begin next
A law was one of 22 included in the carriageway and break speed limits to get to access to special measures in court. “All too often now the public tell us they capacity now more than ever leaving no year and could test out new initiatives or
Queen’s Speech. an incident where someone is at risk or a The Sentencing Bill will see prisoners don’t see the visible policing presence they tolerance for closure and costing millions to ways of working to see what works best in
The Queen’s Speech on 14 October set crime is in progress. But these are all things typically serving two thirds of their sentences want on our roads network and criminals, the economy. reducing road casualties.
out the Government’s legislative programme police drivers are trained and expected to do rather than half, expands the reasons judges and those who flout the laws on our roads, “Though, I am sure the Federation’s Road safety minister Michael Ellis said:
or, as some political commentators have so they can protect the public. can impose whole life sentences and brings in have been keen to take advantage of that.” constant evidence-based lobbying has also “We have strong laws in place to ensure
suggested in the current turmoil, General “Despite the cynicism around the tougher sentences for violent and sexual Tim is also concerned about the played a part,” Tim adds. people are kept safe on our roads at all
Election manifesto. Government’s legislative plans, this bill has offenders. inconsistent and incoherent approach to The Police Federation of England and times.
The Police Protections Bill would set a cross-party support – as well as the backing TV interview cuts and rationalisation from force to force Wales will be on the review governance “But roads policing is a key deterrent in
new test for police drivers who are currently of the IOPC - and it the most likely to make Tim was interviewed on BBC’s Inside Out leading to something of a postcode lottery board. Eight streams of work will feed into stopping drivers breaking the law and
judged against the standard of a normal progress. The Government has a duty to programme in September in a feature asking for roads policing. the board: risking their and other people’s lives.
member of the public - the careful, protect police officers when they are driving if emergency drivers should abide by the He explains: “Some forces merged l Economic assessment: the value of “This review will not only highlight
competent driver - for potential driving according to their specialised skills and same rules as other motorists. firearms with roads policing with no investment in this area where police forces are doing good work, it
offences with no recognition of their unique training and this bill will ensure that is the Tim was questioned over whether this backfilling of the vacated posts, some cut l Intelligence: National Roads Policing will show what more can be done to
role and specialist training. case.” change in the law would give police drivers a altogether. In Staffordshire, for example, Intelligence Forum will be key to this improve road safety.”
Tim Rogers, deputy secretary of West The Police Protections Bill also includes ‘get out of jail card’ and if the public would be l Specialist Capabilities Programme: A call for evidence will be launched this
Midlands Police Federation and national provisions for Special Constables to access right to expect emergency response drivers to accreditation of forensic collision autumn. Findings and recommendations will
Federation response driving lead, has led a the support and representation of the be judged in the same way as other motorists. investigation in line with forensic be ready in 2020.
long-fought campaign for a change in the Federation an commits the Home Office to Tim argued that if the public wanted that A pilot programme services
law to recognise police drivers’ skills when report annually on the Police Covenant, they would also have to accept police drivers based on review and
doing the job they are trained to do. which will focus on officers’ health and may not be able to get quickly to incidents
“I am pleased to see that the Government wellbeing and support the families of those – citing the London Bridge terror attack as consultation feedback
is holding true to its commitment to change injured or killed in the line of duty. one example of where police needed to be could begin next year and
the law. For far too long, professional police The Queen’s Speech also outlined a able to respond quickly to protect the public could test out new
drivers have faced criminal prosecution when number of other bills relating to sentencing and also mentioning the crimes carried out by
seeking to serve their communities in the and policing. moped-riding crimes where again the public initiatives or ways of
way that the public would expect and in The Serious Violence Bill will commit expected the police to react immediately. working to see what works
exactly the way in which they have been councils, social services, schools, healthcare “The current laws are not allowing police best in reducing road
trained,” says Tim. services and other bodies to share officers to use the specialist skills they have
“Judging the fully trained, professional information to ‘prevent serious violence’ been taught to use when serving the public,” casualties.
police driver against the standards of your while the Domestic Abuse Bill will prevent says Tim.
average motorist is clearly not right. For alleged perpetrators cross-examining their
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