Page 7 - WMPF Federation Feb-Mar2019-flip_Neat
P. 7
Fighting for Joining date – 1999
First posting – West Bromwich
Career highlights – “Of all the large
fairness that I have been involved in or part
scale police operations or big results
of I took most pride in dealing with
something that most others ignored
or ‘put in the too difficult to deal box’.
This involved dealing with the issue of
stray and loose horses within the Black
Country area,” he says.
Cliff Tomkinson is the Federation’s full-time “The police received thousands of
calls every year about the issue and it
equalities representative. He gives an insight into his took up numerous hours for officers
background and his priorities. involved. Then there was the welfare of
the horses to consider and the serious
risks to the public from accidents, for
example. In short, I managed to obtain
ore and Federation and the Force handles equality funding and a policy that is still used
more matters. today. In addition, Parliament brought
Mofficers “Our Federation is going through some in legislation to deal with the matter in
are approaching big changes currently and there are new faces the last few years.”
the Federation to in the mix. The support offered by my
discuss potential colleagues and Federation staff has been
breaches of the superb. But there’s lots of things to do both member and also the organisation. Morale is
Equality Act 2010, within the Force and also the Federation still low, simple things are being missed that
according to West locally that will hopefully improve the can then – and often do - turn into big or
Midlands Police equality side of things to the benefit of all serious issues.”
Federation’s members and also the Federation reps,” he When he first took on a rep’s position,
equality lead. explains. Cliff had initially gone along the route of
And Cliff Cliff Tomkinson. “I have done about four months in the specialising in complaints and discipline but
Tomkinson says the challenge now for the role now and I can recognise the strengths rather quickly realised that specialist
Federation is influencing the Force to train and weaknesses of my area of business. The advocates of Fairness in Policing were lacking.
supervisors and take obligations under the trick is putting new plans and improvements “One positive result turned in to two until
act more in to consideration. in to place and winning over the members I was regularly being contacted from all over
But he is also aware that more training is that concerns are listened to and how to the Force and I soon realised that I needed to
needed within the Federation to ensure that influence improvements within the learn more and quickly,” he admits now.
all representatives recognise any breaches of workplace for the benefit of all.” He jumped at the chance to take on the
the legislation and respond effectively for the One initiative he is keen to see extended full-time equality lead post when it became
member and within the strict timescales is the quarterly Family Matters event at Tally vacant last year.
given that any legal challenges must be made Ho which he wants the Force to adopt across “I had become really busy as a workplace
within three months minus one day. the entire area and use as “normal business” rep and my own line manager and Senior
Ensuring suitable training within the for parents covered under the maternity Leadership Team would constantly remark
Federation is something Cliff is already policy. about the amount of hours I did representing
acting on. And he believes the Fairness in Policing members within work’s and my own time.
“For the next six months I want to considerations taken on by the Force have Though this may have caused issues locally
prioritise the upskilling of the Federation’s provided some really strong reflective for them, I was carrying a heavy workload but
Equality Committee reps and then roll this elements of the equality world. also picking up lots of evidence, experience
out to the workplace reps afterwards. Some Cliff says this should be considered and and skillsets quickly even though this
of this will include training as provided by the adopted across all aspects of the sometimes takes years. I felt that I could bring
Police Federation of England and Wales. organisation: “If members feel fairly treated something new to the Branch Board,” Cliff
However, I want to go beyond that and then legal challenges are less likely and surely said.
engage ACAS, external equality experts and neither the member or the Force want to “I consider myself someone who is very
legal advisers,” says Cliff. pursue that route too often?” inquisitive and unafraid to ask the questions
“My long-term goal is that within 12 A conversation with a Fed rep around that someone else may actually be thinking. I
months every rep on the Equality Committee inequality issues and Fairness in Policing first am a balanced individual and do look at both
can either deal with an equality issue or led Cliff to become a Fed rep in 2016 – the rep sides of any issue but if a challenge is required
effectively signpost a member to someone basically told him to stand for election as a to be made I am certainly not afraid to make
who can help them to ensure the best workplace rep if he wanted to make a it.”
possible outcome.” difference. And his final message to members
He also wants the committee to review He has not looked back and says the most concerned about an equality issue?
key workplace policies to ensure that all legal satisfying element of the role is getting a “There are strict timescales for any legal
obligations and considerations have been positive outcome and seeing the relief on a challenge so be mindful of them and speak to
undertaken. member’s face when it is all resolved. a Federation rep as soon as possible for
But, in addition to the commitment to But it’s not without its challenges. advice. In terms of the Equality Act 2010, the
training, Cliff believes other improvements “Managing expectation is a big issue,” time limit is three months minus a day,” Cliff
are also taking place in terms of how the Cliff points out, “Both on behalf of the concludes. federation February/March 2019 07