Page 31 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
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Things to think about if you are

       considering a divorce in the New Year

       By	Lorraine	Harvey,	                When can I get a divorce?            claiming against the value of your pension at
       principal	lawyer	in	family	         Some people assume that they will not be   the time of divorce, rather than its value at
       law	at	Slater	and	Gordon            able to divorce immediately, as there has   the time of your separation, i.e. a claim to
                                           been no particular reason for the breakdown   more of your pension.  For example, we acted
          anuary is a time for             of the marriage.  Some people think that   for an officer who separated from his wife,
          making resolutions. It           there has to have been an affair, or particular   but waited 13 years before dealing with his
       Jmight be deciding it’s             incident, to be able to start a divorce straight   finances on separation.  His wife might have
       time to kick a bad habit or         away, but this isn’t the case.       achieved a 14 per cent share of his pension 13
       get fit. But sometimes the beginning of a      If you have felt unsupported by your   years ago, but had an argument for an
       new year will be a point when you consider a   spouse, or feel that the two of you no longer   increased share of some 32 per cent, 13 years
       change that will have a big impact on your   make the effort to spend time together   later.
       life. What if that change is ending your   around your shifts etc, you could rely on this   What about the children?
       marriage? Here are a few things to think   to prove to a court that the marriage is over.  If you have children, you will need to try to
       about if divorce is on your mind in the New   When should I make the decision?  agree an arrangement for them with your
       Year.                               If you have decided that you do want to go   spouse, if you separate. The court is
       Is it really over?                  ahead with a divorce, we generally advise   concerned with the welfare of the child in
       If you decide to go ahead with a divorce, you   that you speak to a family lawyer sooner   respect of any arrangements made.  Parents
       need to be sure that there is definitely no   rather than later to ensure you are as   are encouraged to agree a routine of care
       chance that the marriage can be saved.   informed as possible.  Often the first question   which is in a child’s best interests.
          The Christmas period can be both a joyful   we are asked is how an officer can try to      You may find it difficult to reach an
       and difficult time of year. It may have been   protect their police pension and taking action   agreement with your spouse, or perhaps your
       challenging for you if you have been on duty   at the earliest opportunity can be very   complicated shift pattern is making it difficult
       and this has caused a strain between you and   important.                to set out a regular routine. If this is the case,
       your spouse.                           A spouse has a claim to an ex-partner’s   then you should seek legal advice and a
          A tough Christmas does not have to spell   income, capital and pensions on divorce and   referral to mediation can be considered.
       the end of a marriage and you and your   these will be based on their financial      If you would like specialist advice from a
       spouse may be able to work through this   situation at the time of divorce and not   family lawyer then please contact Slater and
       together, or with the support of family and   necessarily at the time of separation.   Gordon on 0808 175 7710 and we’ll be happy
       friends, or counselling services, such as Relate.  §Your spouse is likely to be successful in   to help.

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