Page 22 - WMPF Here for you 2018
P. 22
A Snapshot of 2017
Steve White, chair of the Police Federation of
England and Wales (PFEW), welcomed Prime
Minister Theresa May’s mental health reforms and
called them “a step in the right direction”.
February February
The Federation launched its national Protect the Protectors
campaign calling for better protection - in terms of legislation and
equipment such as spit guards - for police officers.
A call was made for a “long
overdue” full review into
policing. National Federation
chair Steve White said: “For
more than a decade, we
have been demanding a
March holistic and independent
The Metropolitan Police review of policing in order to
confirmed that PC Keith properly determine what the
Palmer died after confronting public want and expect of
a man in the grounds of their police service.”
Westminster Palace, shortly
after 2.30pm. “No words can May June
capture how members of the The annual Police Federation national
policing family will feel after conference was held in Birmingham
today’s horrific events,” Steve for the first time with a new two-day
White, chair of PFEW, said. format.
Tom Cuddeford, chair
of West Midlands
Police Federation,
sent a letter to West
Midlands MPs to voice
serious concerns
about police funding.