Page 13 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2020_Neat
P. 13

Seeking views

       New Pension Working Group

       is to launch first survey

            he newly formed West Midlands   discussed the need to establish what   for new members. There are a number
            Police Federation (WMPF) Pension   officers know about the current situation   of questions within the consultation
       T Working Group wants to understand   around pensions.                   that deal with different parts of the
       what officers know about the current      “Therefore, it was proposed to initiate a   remedy proposal and the working group
       situation around pensions.          survey to help us fully understand the   will provide responses to these.
          The working group was set up earlier in   position of members and to provide      In addition to the Federation branch
       the summer and is made up of nine   information as to the Government’s   chair, the West Midlands Police
       Federation representatives with a mixture   proposed remedy to the discrimination   Federation Pensions Working Group is
       of both those in the Pension Challenge,   found in the transitional arrangements put   made up of:
       those in the Police Federation of England   in place when the 2015 pension scheme was   l  Chris (Sid) James – chair
       and Wales group action compensation   launched and how it could affect   l  Aaron Bell
       claim and those in neither.         individuals. This will then help us going   l  Richard Cooke
          At the working group’s first meeting, in   forward with further discussions and   l  Trudy Gittins
       July, it was agreed to submit a response on   proposals,” says Jon Nott, West Midlands   l  Steve Grange
       behalf of WMPF to the Government’s   Police Federation chair, who is a member of   l  Darren Neville
       consultation on its proposed remedy to the   the working group.          l  Rod Rose, and
       discrimination found in the transitional      The group’s primary stance is that all   l  Steve Temperton.
       arrangements on the launch of the 2015   members should be reverted to their      The Government consultation,
       Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE)   original pensions, if they wish, and remain   which also applies to other public
       Police Pension Scheme.              on these since these were what they signed   service pension schemes, closes on 11
          And at subsequent meetings, members   up to and that any new scheme should be   October 2020.

       Retirement seminars – 2021 dates are set

       Dates have been set for next year’s West
       Midlands Police Federation retirement
          The seminars, which are for officers in
       their last three years of service, will be held
       at the Federation offices at Guardians
       House, Coventry Road, Sheldon, on:
       7 January 2021 – now fully booked
       4 February 2021
       4 March 2021
       1 April 2021
       6 May 2021
       3 June 2021
       22 July 2021
       26 August 2021
       9 September 2021
       7 October 2021                      l  Transferable skills               office at
       18 November 2021.                   l  Pensions                             Please ensure you put ‘Retirement
          The retirement seminar programme was   l  How do I manage money and these   seminar’ and the month you would prefer
       suspended during the early months of the   financial changes?            to attend in the subject title and include
       pandemic but has since been resumed with   l  Budgeting                  your name, work email address, personal
       social distancing and other safety measures   l  Starting your own business  email address, personal phone number,
       in place. PPE is provided for everyone   l  New horizons (what’s next?)  proposed retirement date and any dietary
       attending with cleaning stations and hand   l  Savings                   requirements in the email.
       sanitisers also available.          l  Investments and finances             Places are currently limited to officers
          Among the topics covered at the   l  Protecting your wealth.          only. Partners were previously able to
       seminars are:                          Members are being urged to register   attend but available spaces have been
       l  Managing change and uncertainty  their interest in attending retirement   reduced due to the safety measures in
       l  CV writing and interview techniques  seminars in 2021 by emailing the Federation   place.                                      federation October/November 2020       13
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