Page 20 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2020_Neat
P. 20
Support for colleagues
‘I didn’t know
where to turn to’ –
breast cancer
diagnosis leads
Sam to help others
hile Sam Hughes was receiving She explains: “The feedback I have had
treatment for breast cancer, she from the article really took me by surprise – I
Wspent hours trawling through really didn’t expect so many people to
paperwork and websites trying to decipher contact me and ask for advice and support.
what help and support was available to her “I didn’t know where to turn to when I
and what the deductions that been taken was diagnosed, so I wanted to be able to
from her wages each month actually offer others support and some practical
entitled her to. guidance to help make their journey that
She recalls thinking, “I wish there was little bit easier. The last thing you need when
some sort of tick list summing everything you are having treatment and feeling unwell
up for me.” and sick is to have to trawl paperwork.
In July, the West Midlands Police “At the point of being diagnosed, you are
Federation magazine included an article on bombarded with leaflets, books, hospital
Sam and the wellbeing initiative she is appointments and people wanting to be
working on with HR to implement a there with you. I remember it being a tough
programme of changes to how the Force time seeing my older children struggling
helps and supports people on long-term away to make sense of it all. To say I was
sick. This includes designated points of devastated was an understatement.
contact, a buddy system, working practices, “I decided to put pen to paper and write a
making the process easier for officers who few tips and hopefully some helpful
are off sick and need the support and to information to try make other’s journey a
assist them in having a voice. little easier. Always remember you are not
“ There are various charities that you can HER TIPS COVER:
Sam Hughes.
alone and it’s always good to talk.”
access and groups when you are ready and
Prior to these days you will have to have
blood tests to confirm you are able to have
there are a number of charities that will send
your treatment. Treatment days were a time I
spent with friends and family on different
you gift bags which will have hand creams, sessions. It allowed them to see what was
happening I think it helped break down the
tissues, moisturisers, boiled sweets etc. myths and barriers. We made it a day to chat,
eat and spend quality time together.
Take a good book, some treats, warm
20 federation October/November 2020