Page 30 - WMPF Federation June-July 2018-flip_Neat
P. 30

Inspectors: know your rights

          nspectors – particularly those newly      FACT: Time spent prior to or
          promoted to the rank - are being          immediately after a tour of duty
       Ireminded of their rights and                ‘handing over’ to a colleague is
       entitlements.                                NOT casual over-time and should
          A ‘Facts and Myths’ document is being     be recorded as duty time.
       re-circulated to help prove or dispel some of      “It is common for many within our
                                                                                         PWYLLGOR CANOLOG YR
       the rumours and common misconceptions   ranks, who perform the duty officer role, to   AROLYGYDDION
       about what inspectors are and aren’t   start their shift early in order to receive a
       entitled to.                         hand-over from an outgoing colleague and
          The booklet covers everything from   similarly they then have to stay on at the
       unpaid over-time, working hours, rest days   end of the shift to hand over to the
       owed, time off in lieu and on call. It was   incoming duty officer. These hours must, like   Your Wellbeing
       originally produced by the national   all other hours, be accurately recorded on
       Federation’s Inspectors’ Central Committee   whatever means in use.           Who’s Responsible?
       and is broken down into facts and myths      “We would actually go further and say
       with an explanation.                 that technically it should form part of your
          West Midlands Police Federation’s rep   roster, but we appreciate that senior
                                                                                  A guide to the working conditions of
       Paul Ford said: “We have been approached by   managers are unlikely to concede that there
       members and inspectors querying what   is a need for anyone to either come to work   Inspecting Ranks
       their right and entitlements are. It is vitally   earlier or stay beyond the conclusion of
       important that whatever your rank, you   their shift and hence agree to its inclusion   paid for over-time.
       know just what is expected and what you   in any roster.”                    The increase in our pay agreed in 1994
       are entitled to.                                                          was never meant to compensate you for
          “While we are always more than happy      FACT: All inspectors and chief   regularly working long extended hours.
       to take calls and answer questions, hopefully   inspectors who are working      At the time of the agreement, the then
       this information will inform people a little   part-time should be paid for any   vice chair of ACPO, Paul Whitehouse, wrote
       bit more.”                           hours worked in excess of their agreed   to his colleague stating: “Inspectors and
          The booklet states: “There has been   hours, up to 40 hours in any one week. As   chief inspectors, no less than other
       much confusion since the introduction of   annual leave will be calculated in hours for   members of police forces, need to be able to
       the 1994 Agreement and many of our   part-time inspecting ranks, this may need to   plan for their work and for their personal
       colleagues appear to know very little about   be re-calculated to ensure you receive the   and family commitments.   Consequently, it
       what that actually meant - labouring under   correct entitlements.        is important that they should be given, so
       many misunderstandings which are making                                   far as the exigencies of duty permit,
       their actual working conditions more         FACT: Officers unwilling or unable   reasonable notice of when they will be
       arduous than they really need to be.         to do so cannot be required to   required to be on duty.
          “Sadly, in today’s climate of ‘more for   undertake ‘on-call’.            “For sound reasons to do with health
       less’ such misunderstanding is eagerly       The legal position of ‘on-call’ is set   and welfare of the officer, the safety of
       exploited by many of our senior managers.   out in the Determinations of the Secretary   others and effective working, no police
       This has resulted in the inspecting ranks   of State as: A member of the rank of   officer should be required to work regular
       becoming arguably the most ‘put upon’ in   constable, sergeant, inspector or chief   excessive hours, and over a period of time,
       the service.”                        inspector shall receive an allowance of £15   each officer should be allowed to take the
                                            in respect of each day on which he spends   full entitlement to days free from the
               FACT: Inspecting ranks can take   any time on-call.               requirements of duty. This is a particular
               owed rest days off at any time      A ‘day’ means a period of 24 hours   consideration in the case of inspectors, chief
               (exigencies of duty permitting)   commencing at such time or times as the   inspectors and higher ranks who are not
               within 12 months of the actual   chief officer shall fix after consultation with   paid for over-time”.
               day being accrued.           the Federation, and the chief officer may fix      In September 1994, basic inspector
          “The 1994 PNB agreement brought   different times in relation to different   wages were increased by £3,250 a year in
       about a significant change in relation to   groups of members.”           return for a change in entitlements. These
       rest days worked. Whereas the other      Colleagues who do volunteer to be   included:
       Federated ranks should be notified within   ‘on-call’ need to carefully consider the effects   What went in 1994?
       four days of when the new rest day is to be   of their Force alcohol testing policy.  l  Compensation in pay for working
       taken, that day to be re-rostered to a date                                 over-time, bank holidays or rest days
       within 28 days of the day worked, we can   MYTH: When we became salaried   l  Formal concept of ‘time off in lieu’
       take them off at any time (exigencies of   we accepted working long hours for   l  Having a duty roster (unless you are
       duty permitting) within 12 months of       no extra money.                  part-time)
       accruing them. Obviously, the only               Contrary to popular belief neither   l  Set working day of eight hours.
       compensation we get for working a rostered   side in the negotiating process ever   What you got:
       rest day is the day off in lieu back so you   intended the agreement to worsen the   l  Re-rostered days for bank holidays and
       should carefully consider using days owed   working conditions of the inspecting ranks.  rest days worked
       when it comes to balancing your hours if      No police officer should be required to   l  Flexibility in managing and balancing
       you are approaching the WTR limit.   work regular excessive hours; this is a   your hours
          “Any outstanding days over 12-months-  particular consideration in the case of   l  Option of pay at double time for recall
       old may, however, be LOST.”          inspectors and chief inspectors who are not   from annual leave.

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