Page 15 - 2021 SPUQC GRADRITES
P. 15
God our loving Father, You called us to participate
in your saving mission and to make You known and loved
throughout the world
Thank you for our Paulinian identity that inspires us
to be like Christ and to walk in the truth
Help us to stand firm in our daily struggle
to live our Christocentric Paschal spirituality
Forgive our failures to witness
to your compassionate love
and to surrender to your holy will.
Grant us the grace to grow in your love
for the good of the Church and service of neighbor
And to remain faithful to You
through your Son, Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Mary, our Mother and Model
Pray for us.
St. Paul, our Patron
Pray for us
Fr. Louis Chauvet, Our Holy Founder and the First Sisters
Intercede for us
May the Charity of Christ Urge Us On
Now and forever. Amen.