Page 4 - Diversified_Partner Marketing 2021
P. 4


                                                                                                electronic                        media +
     GROW                                                                                        security                     entertainment

     With Diversified                                                             audio                           global                        sports + live
                                                                                  visual                         managed
                                                                                                                  services                         events
     Our  global  footprint  and  broad           Diversified                                   emerging
     solution  set  differentiate  us  and                                                    technology +                        medical
     provide  our  partners  with  access         Specialties                                   solutions                       integration
     to  some  of  the  fastest  growing
     and  most  profitable  markets.                                              digital                      information                       structured
                                                                                 signage                        technology                         cabling
     From media and entertainment to
     healthcare  and  corporate,  we  are

     strategically  positioned  to  gain                                                          federal                         mission
                                                                                                solutions                         critical
     market  share  with  our  partners.

     Revenue by Industry

     Major industries are expected
     to make strategic investments in
     their technology infrastructures

     to support evolving needs. Let
     Diversified  bring  your  brand
     to  the table  and promote your
     solutions within all these verticals!

                                                                             $52.4b  corporate  $39.2b  media + entertainment  $34.9b  venues + events  $22.2b  retail  $19.7b  education  $15.1b  government +    military   $11.5b  transportation  $10.8b  hospitality  $7.4b  energy +    utility  $5.4b  healthcare
                                                      DATA PROVIDED BY
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