Page 6 - Bath City v Havant & Waterlooville - Saturday 24 October - FA Cup
P. 6


                                to the field this afternoon full of   whom have been on furlough for
                                hope and optimism.       months and have experienced a
                                On the matter of streaming –   summer of great uncertainty. And
                                we’re making progress. We have   thank you for your passionate
                                upgraded our equipment and   support. Although we can’t see
                                transmission signal and, at time   you at the ground, your energy,
                                of writing, are working on either   enthusiasm and commitment to
                                improved service provision from   the cause shines through via
                                our existing streaming partner   social media, and you embracing
                                or, indeed, a new provider all   everything we try to do for you
                                together. While we knew streaming   from a distance. Let’s hope we’re
                                was always a possibility, we were   all looking forward to a little bit
                                unable to test it in any pre-season   more FA Cup excitement together
                                friendlies to iron out wrinkles, and   at the end of today.
                                have had to learn on the fly in       JON BICKLEY
                                common with other clubs at our
                                level and above. But we’re at a
                                stage now when excuses won’t
                                wash, and we pledge to have
                                things to a high standard no later
      First of all welcome to our visitors,   than the next home league – or
      Havant & Waterlooville. As fellow   today if all goes well.
      travellers in these turbulent times,   I mentioned the character of the
      we wish you well and a safe   team against Winchester, and it
      journey home.             came to the fore again at Dartford
      This is one of the most exciting   on Saturday. I was fortunate to
      stages of the season, when we   make the trip and witness how the
      have the chance to win through   players strove to keep their focus
      to the First Round Proper of the   despite an unexpected 45-minute
      FA Cup. A dream tie with anyone   half-time break. It was instructive
      as big as Sunderland, Ipswich,   to see them take the responsibility
      Charlton, Portsmouth – or (ahem)   to run warm-up routines as they
      Plymouth could await. But this year   geared up for the resumption, and
      is different and the dream for fans   to hear their rallying calls. We did
      would have to be experienced   have a lapse that let Dartford take
      from the sofa not the terrace – but   the lead, but the players stretched
      still, what a tonic it would be.   every sinew chasing the equaliser
      Of course, watching from home   and I came away encouraged by
      requires the right streaming service   the collective will and effort.
      and I’ll turn to that soon. The team   Lastly, I’d like to thank all our many
      showed real character to come   volunteers – from our media team
      back for victory at home against   trying to keep you connected to
      Winchester City and then scored   things at Twerton Park, to everyone
      a notable away win at another   keeping the pitch and ground safe
      National League South play-off   and in good shape – and also
      team, Slough Town, so we can take   to members of our staff, some of

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