Page 2 - English Writing Module for 8th Grade
P. 2


                With all humility, the writer turns to Allah

        SWT because of all His grace and guidance, the

        writer  can  complete  the  module  with  the  title

        "English Writing Module".

                  This  module  contains  information  about

        second  semester  material  for  eighth  grade  in

        junior high school and is equipped with learning

        tasks that focus on writing skills. Hopefully this

        could  help  students  to  improve  their  writing

        skills in English.

                   In preparing this module, the writer realizes

        there are still many deficiencies that still need

        improvement. Therefore, constructive criticisms

        and suggestions are needed.

                   Finally, the writer would like to thank all the

        parties  who  have  helped  in  the  preparation  of

        this module.

                                                             Malang, November 2022

                                                                                           The Writer

                                                         English Writing Module│i
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