Page 44 - 2022-2023 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 44
If you are showing at the Fort Worth Livestock Show you need to be reviewing
your FWSSR premium book again to have all rules fresh in your mind prior to
arrival at the show. REMEMBER all shows are different.
If you are planning on showing market goats, lambs, hogs and rabbits at the
PCLIA Youth Livestock Show you need to be making contact with breeders and
researching upcoming sales.
If you are interested in participating in Spring District contests including
Meats, Horse, Dairy, Range ID, and Consumer Decision Making you need to
contact the office.
If you are planning on showing market broilers at the PCLIA Youth Livestock
Show you need to be prepared to place your broiler order by the beginning of
February. Broiler orders are straight run.
January TBA - PCLIA County Show Final Steer Tag-IN
January TBA - FWSSR Junior Heifer Stall Set-up Meeting
January TBA - FWSSR Junior Steer Stall Set-Up Meeting
January 2 - Parker County 4-H Council Meeting
January 2 - Parker County 4-H Parent Leader’s Association Meeting
January 5 - Parker County 4-H Food and Nutrition Project meeting
January 10 - Texas 4-H Dog Validation Deadline
January 16 - Extension Office Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 18 - PCLIA Monthly Meeting
January 23 - Parker County 4-H Fashion and Interior Design Project Meeting
Parker County 4-H Family Guide | 43