Page 6 - May 2021 Newsletter
P. 6

2020 was a rule change year and there are a couple that I would like to point out.  Keep in mind, it is still your
     responsibility to read the rule book which can be accessed by visiting the PCLIA Website, selecting the "Stock Show"
     drop down menu and selecting "Rule Book".  There of course were other rule changes so it is very important that you go
     online and read the rule book prior to entering the show.

        Premium Sale - The auction has changed from a terminal sale to a premium sale.  This means the exhibitor now gets
        to decide the destination of the animal (ship or take home),  and if they choose to ship it, they (the exhibitor) will
        also get the floor check.
        Unlimited tag-in for market animals - there is no longer a limit  for the number of market animals an individual
        exhibitor or family unit can tag.  You may tag as many as you want as long as you pay the respective tag-in fee.
         Each exhibitor may only still show two (2) of each species for the market divisions but you can tag as many as you
        want to now.
        The unethical fitting of animals shall be prohibited. This includes:
            1)The use of paint, dyes, adhesives, or powder.
            2)Changing the color of hair at any point, spot or area on the animal’s body. Any grooming material that allows
            color to come off from any animal will not be allowed at the show.
            3)Insertion of foreign material under the skin.

     Mark you calendars:
     May 15th - Market Rabbit Tag-in

     PCLIA Show Schedule
     If you have not taken the time to look over the show schedule, you need to do so.  It is quite different from years past.
      The show begins Saturday, June 5th.  There is a check-in time and a show time listed.  If you have not checked your
     animal in by the check in time, you don't get to show.  Make sure to review all times and please don't hesitate to call me
     should you have any questions.  Click the calendar for the schedule.

     PCLIA Calf Scramble - Any 4-H'er interested in participating in the calf scramble (and showing their scramble project
     through 4-H)  MUST speak directly with Kayla by June 1st to make your scramble intentions known or your scramble
     application WILL NOT be approved.   Please note...This does NOT put you on the scramble list.  You must complete the
     scramble application through the PCLIA website.   Click the image below for the PCLIA Calf Scramble page.

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