Page 19 - 2024 August Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 19


                                C U R R E N T   I N F O R M A T I O N   R E G A R D I N G   T H E
                                    2 0 2 5   P A R K E R   C O U N T Y   S T O C K   S H O W

          Y O U   A R E   E N C O U R A G E D   T O   F O L L O W   T H E   P C L I A   F A C E B O O K   P A G E   F O R   T H E
                                       M O S T   U P   T O   D A T E   I N F O R M A T I O N

                                                 P C L I A   F A C E B O O K

             August 21st - PCLIA General Meeting (see the PCLIA Facebook Page for meeting

             September 18th - PCLIA Rule Change Proposal Meeting
             October 16th - PCLIA Rule Change Voting Meeting

         PCLIA is the group of volunteer leaders (not in any way shape or form associated with
         4-H) that put on the county livestock show that 4-H and FFA members are able to

         participate each year.  Individuals are encouraged to become part of PCLIA, because if
         it weren’t for this volunteer group we would not have a stock show or sale.  This is the
         section where all information regarding county show may be found.

         Even years are rule change years, so this fall there is an opportunity for members to

         propose changes to the rules.  This also means, there will more than likely be changes
         from last year.  You will need to review the rules and guidelines, once published, to
         make sure you’re aware of what had changed.  Better yet, become a member, and
         you’ll have first hand knowledge of the changes.
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