Page 4 - 2024 August Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 4
A Word from Kayla
The Parker Co.
This is our Parker Co. 4-H
Connection. It is our monthly
publication that’s provided to all
enrolled in Parker Co. 4-H to let our
members know what is going on in The beginning of the year is always
our program. The 4-H office, our 4- a bit tricky with those that are new
H project leaders and club leaders and not already on our email list,
work very hard to provide a visually so we will be sharing our August
appealing, interactive, one stop and September Connections on our
source of information that keeps Facebook page as well as
you up to date on what’s going on enrollment information.
in 4-H.
Read through this August Issue of
We don’t depend on those tricky the Parker Co. 4-H Connection, and
algorithms of of social media or if you still have questions, please
text messages. The Parker County feel free to call 817.598.6172. If
4-H office communicates to our you don’t want to flip through every
members via this source and it is project area, take advantage of our
emailed directly to the email you as interactive table of contents on the
the member list in your enrollment. bottom left and click the sections in
If you take the time and look at the which you’re interested.
Important Date section and then of
course the project area you’re
interested, I can guarantee that you
will have the information you need
for the month. In the very few
instances that we get last minute
information, Tiff will send out an
email but we do try very hard not to
flood your inbox.